Hal's Comments

Hal is absolutely adorable ; 3 ; I would love if he and Célestin got acquainted! https://toyhou.se/2950075.c-lestin

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Yays xD ////yass he'd love some buds to defend him from the crows plz///shot >:3c 

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haha yas too ironic x"DD Irlo is so precious tho ;v; b ///well apart from the insects//shotdead jk as long as they don't eat Hal's straws then he's probably fine with it x3

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lol idk why but i can imagine if Irlo's bug crawling on Hal he will get easily tickled by them cause he's made of straws and they would easily go through all the straws of his body///now that i said it, it sound weird x"D//shot

If he put straws on his chest, would he have boobs? sorry about the wierd question it's just been on my mind XD He's so adorable thoughhhh

Haha he wouldn't want to have boobs would he x''D well the oversized shirt will just cover it all hehe >:3c

Thank you :3c ///ripmymoneytho :''>