Pluto Ludovicus



6 years, 7 months ago



♥ NAME(S) 

  • pluto; main used name, non-binding, not his 'true' name
  • hades ; true name, no one will ever know this, names hold power
  • tuxedo ; a pseudonym he uses for some of his work, many colleagues know him by this name
  • mysanwy ; the name he was given by the demonic hierarchy, very rarely used
  • forms range from standard human all the way through to dragon-type monster. he's normally semi-human or the big anthro guy. 
  • uses 'he/him' but doesn't actually have any real assigned gender, his type of demon are all intersex/ able to choose their bits at will. 
  • he's a big gay asshole, very not-a-good-person, might eat you? hm
  • certain verses he's just a boring ol' werewolf, no demon-stuff involved. just a grumpy gay dog. 



Name: Pluto or Hades. Hades is his 'real' name but he's wary of folks knowing it, since names have power and all that.

- Human/Half form: 6ft
- Demon form: 10ft
- Dragon form: 11ft

Age: Appears mid-30s
Gender: Agender, uses he/him and his appearance is mostly masculine.
Personality: Self-entitled, extremely lazy, easily distracted (likes shiny things), appears aloof and uncaring.

About: Pluto is a vague demon/ deity type creature that has never had any real purpose. He's been around for centuries and mostly spends his time napping, stealing shiny things, playing (mostly) harmless tricks on mortals and more napping. Really quite powerful, too lazy/ disinterested to ever prove himself. Stand-offish and cool, he lacks empathy and compassion. While caring is not completely beyond his capabilities, caring is complicated and takes effort, which he's not really interested in spending on anyone. Hops between large cities every few years, he'd call London is 'home' if he had to. Avoids his demonic brethren as much as possible, in fact avoids most immortal creatures as much as possible. Really doesn't like horses, terrified of water, very little fortitude in extreme weather conditions. January 1st is his D.O.B if asked but he's honestly not sure when he was born and how long he's been alive.  

- Has a "nest"/ den full of shiny things. Gives shiny things to people as gifts if he likes them as he doesn't know any other way to show appreciation.
- Mostly hangs out in his half/ faun form - hates appearing human and only goes with his demon form if he's trying to scare folks. Dragon form is good for naps.
- Can only fly in his dragon form but he doesn't really like it - flying takes a lot of energy and, as mentioned, he's very lazy.
- He does wear clothes sometimes but normally only shirts/ jumpers to keep his upper body warm. Pants are the enemy.
- Any powers he does have manifest as lightning/ thunder - his powers are elemental and small amounts of illusion magic. His magic/ will is the same blue as his eyes.
- Has pretty limited control over his powers, mostly manifest alongside emotions etc.