OA - Michaela Soda



2 years, 4 months ago


Sweet Like Candy


NAME Michaela Soda

Nickname Mika Mimi Mich Dolly

GENDER Female ♀


D.O.B. February 12

AGE 18 years old
HEIGHT 4'9" ft | 144.78 cm

SPECIES Baby Doll Sheep

YEAR Junior




Michaela or Mika for short, is a first year who loves anime and games and aspires to be a Comic Artist. Originally from Japan, she moved to the US, Avondale, with her mother to take the chance to build her career as an artist in the states and submitted her application to Oakwood Academy.


  • Mika has long lavenderblush white hair.
  • She has a pink lace complexion and an hourglass body built.
  • Mika has Turquoise eyes.
  • She wears Antique Brass brown color knitted sweater.
  • Wears golden round eyeglasses.
  • Has fluff on her legs.
  • D-Cup.


Cheerful, Friendly, Helpful, Motherly, Kind, Caring

Curious, Naive, Clingy, Stubborn, Childish

Dishonest, Messy, Workaholic, Clumsy, Forgetful, Spendthrift, Fragile

Mika always dawns a smile every day, and greets the morning with energy. She always looks at the brighter side of things. She's friendly, and wants all in a good relationship. Mika is the type of person who gives off this warm, calming atmosphere around her. She absolutely loves taking care of others and animals, making sure they are safe and well taken care of(Like what mothers do). She is a student and a part time worker, she does a lot of work. She will make notes of important days or important events. As such she’s a tad upset when things don’t plan out accordingly and she has to change her schedule. Mika is someone who is kind to everyone. She's open to anyone (as long as she's not scared of them) and hates it when she sees someone fighting.

She has little experience of different things around her, which is why most of the time she comes off as very clueless and innocent. She has little experience of different things around her, which is why most of the time she comes off as very clueless and innocent. She tends to be awkward at times. Though, she does tend to get alert and wary around those she finds suspicious or just plain scary to her; she even goes as far to avoid or hide from the person. Clara is childish and likes to tease others.

She's clumsy, expecting things to be messy and tumbling over. She is forgetful, and might be absent-minded about some things. Mika doesn't know when to stop working. She can be at the school or her work for hours and not feel tired at all. Everyone tells her to rest, but she just tells them that she's fine and no need to waste time. Mika's mind is overly active with ideas and thoughts. She finds difficulty in organizing her mind and thus, doesn't organize her things. Mika thinks sharing her own problems to other people is a bother for her and them. Hence, she is always so dishonest when it comes to conversations about her own feelings. A spendthrift, she doesn't seem to manage her money well. She's both fragile physically and mentally. Betrayals can break her or tear her heart apart mentally.


  • Anime & Manga
  • Strawberry Yoghurt Milk
  • Fast Food
  • J-Pop & K-Pop
  • Fashion
  • Video Games
  • Stuffed Toys
  • Metal Music
  • Children
  • Sweets & Confectionaries
  • Headpats
  • Romance & Fantasy Novels
  • Ramen & Cup Noodles
  • Field Trips
  • Superheroes
  • Memes
  • Shopping
  • Amusement Parks
  • Festivals & Fireworks
  • Coloring Materials


  • Horror or anything spooky
  • Spicy Food
  • Sports & Physical Education
  • Bullying
  • Surprise quizzes & recitations
  • Fighting
  • Her clumsiness & forgetfullness
  • Losing her glasses
  • Too much homework
  • Being alone
  • Making fun of her height
  • Alcohol
  • Cliffhanger Stories/Shows
  • No WiFi


Year: Junior | 11th

Clique: Thespian

School Activities: Art Club | Garden Club

Dorm: 1A

Roomate: TBA

Mika goes to class really early and doesn't miss any attendance except for getting sick. When she's bored in class, she'll doodle on her notebook. She learns fast and learns through studying. Hence, she doesn't usually study often, and only studies a few days before exams. Though, she tends to forget everything the day after. She is good at making projects and mostly does the work in group project-









  • Mathematics - Mr. Hawking
  • Art - Mrs. Silva
  • Science - Mr. Rey
  • Lunch Time
  • English - Mr. Wilson
  • Physical Education - Mr. Nordhoff
  • Study Hall
  • History - Mrs. Colbert


  • Drawing
  • Reading Comics & Manga
  • Watching J-Drama & K-Drama
  • Studying Color Theory
  • Playing Video Games
  • Shopping & Window Shopping
  • Cosplaying
  • Eating Somewhere
  • Jog at the Hampbury Park every weekend mornings
  • Looking at Memes
  • Cooking & Baking
  • Stargazing at the Lake Sono
  • Programming
  • Play at the Arcade


  • Mika loves her hair very much and takes care of it a lot, she has tons of shampoos, conditioners, oil, blower, straightener.
  • Her mother is British and her father is Japanese. Her mom is a house wife and his father works at a video game company. Mika gets the latest games all thanks from his father.
  • She covers herself with a book or hide her face with anything she could hold onto when she's blushing.
  • She tends to fear showing any weakness such as admitting liking someone or coming to rely on someone emotionally as well as professionally.
  • Mika knows very well how to take care of children; basically a mother in disguise.
  • Lmao she’s an accident prone-
  • Mika apologizes a lot.
  • Has a thing with muscular peeps wheeze-
  • Usually seen at least holding food in one hand wherever she goes.
  • Her fashion sense is a mix of onee-gyaru, hime-gyaru, and mori-girl. Sometimes has elements of pastel goth and ulzzang.
  • When she's lost or done something embarrassing she won't admit it until you make her.
  • She carries a band aid with her because she injures herself quite often.
  • A part-time waitress at CoCo Cafe. She needs money for living.
  • She smells like Strawberry and Vanilla.
  • She absolutely loves to cook. She brings her own food to school everyday. Since she loves sharing, go ahead and ask her for some. It'll make her really happy.
  • She loves using lots of emojis and stickers in her phone.
  • Mika hasn't tried any alcohol yet.
  • Draws a lot because it is her stress relief. She has lots of followers in Finstagram.
  • Goes to Anime Convention to buy merch and cosplay.

[ CHAPTER 1 ] - Childhood

Born to a Japanese father and a British mother. Mika's parents wanted the best for their only daughter and decided that Japan was a better place for her to grow up in. Her father works at a video game company while her mother tends to the house and family. They have a flower shop which helps with their daily spending. As a child, Mika was sheltered and pampered by both her parents and relatives. They believe that she would achieve great things in life when she reaches a certain age.

This caused her to be pressured and insecure due to their expectations. Despite their overprotective nature, they didn't fully isolate her she was allowed friends and relatives were allowed visit, but from a few feet of distance. This made it difficult for the girl to form relationships with others. Despite yearning for other friends, Mika didn't consider herself unfortunate as she knew her family deeply loved her.

[ CHAPTER 2 ] - Promotion

At age ten, her father had to work abroad so that he could support his family better. Mika distraught by her father's absence in her early teens, made her feel lost and envious of those with complete families. As she grew older, she learned to accept this but developed a trait that makes her clingy with close friends. She felt as though like they'd leave her one day just like her father.

Her father went back but told his family that he had promoted but needed to move to US. Mika had mixed feelings; she was happy for her father but also sad because she'll leave her friends and needed to adjust to the new environment.

[ CHAPTER 3 ] - Moving

Moving to a different country, she was amazed and excited at the same time- she also wanted to learn new and different things. She also hoped to make new friends as well... But that didn't happen. She was a target and she was bullied a lot. They would throw her stuffs away, prank her but it was devious, stick gum on her hair, and other terrible stuffs. She didn't tell her parents about it, she didn't want to make them worry - she just gave them a smile and telling them that she was fine... but she wasn't.

She would just hide in her room and draw, even at school. It removed her stress and depression, drawing is the only way to escape the abyss.

[ CHAPTER 4 ] - Oakwood Academy

Mika survived and graduated, finally she can leave the hellish school and the people as well. Few months later, Mika and her family moved to Avalon, her mother said that it was a nice place and she planned to start her own small flower shop.

She guaranteed that both Mika and her mother would adjust well in their new environment. She also told Mika that there was a school called Oakwood Academy.

It's a new chapter in Mika's life as she tackles highschool in Avalon. She entered Oakwood Academy with the hopes of making new friends, memories, and kindling a fun romance.


Timezone: GMT + 8 (Philippines)

Method: Lit, Short Lit, HC, HC+Script



  • I do have school so I'm a bit slow with my responses.
  • Please bear my English.
  • I prefer somebody starts the RP with me, I'm slow or bad at starting sksksk
  • Anyone is free to request an RP with me ANYTIME! \o/
  • Open to shipping but nothing is canon until fully thought through. If there's mutual agreement that our characters have chemistry and all that. Crack-ships are okay too.
  • Yes, I am okay with NSFW(SMut) - both rp and hc are okay.
  • Fighting is okay, but I don't like killing.
  • I like AU/Crack too!
  • I’m pretty open to anything. If you’re worried, you can ask me!

[ Acquaintance ]


[ Acquaintance ]

"doremifasolatido "

Write about the summary of their relationship here! A small summary will do.

I think you're kinda weird, but it's like super cute.

Happy Synthesizer
【VOCALOID】- Megurine Luka & GUMI

code by icecreampizzer