


2 years, 3 months ago



This profile is a work in progress pending a full overhaul! Information may be missing, incomplete or outdated.

"feeling a bit flat today"

A sketch creature, most likely artificially created (incomplete?). Friendly and quirky, has a strange, inventive mind, constantly coming up with new ideas for crazy machines and impossible worlds. He is a good companion, although he can be difficult to control if you do not have the same weird kind of mind as he does. He quickly loses interest in a person if they does not understand him. After that, he gathers his things and quickly disappears from view - to find himself a new company or hide in a collection of magazines for a couple of weeks.


Name Bagel
Age ?
Gender he\him
Species Alive sketch
Birthday ?
Height vary (150cm-20cm)
Orientation --
Occupation inventor\companion

  • his Copy
  • inventing
  • pencil sharpeners

  • water!!
  • being crumpled
  • not be recognized as a artist


  • It is not known what or who created him, he do not remember anything until the moment he woke up in a box in the office storage room.
  • He likes to create concepts of crazy machines that, most likely, cannot exist in the real world. He is constantly trying to bring something to life, but very often fail. If something doesn't match his expectations, he break it down back into its original elements.
  • His most successful creation (though not intentional) is his little friend, Copy. Copy turned out by mistake, but Bagel liked him so much that he decided to keep him as a companion.
  • He have a special pencil that he also use to create new body parts and create small simple controllable "concepts". For example, he can draw a paper airplane and control its flight or create his own wings.
  • When he move his body rustles like paper
  • He can fold his body like a sheet of paper (and basically change his body from 3D to 2D). He can slip through cracks or hide in paper folders (or read a book without opening it, right from the inside).
  • He spends a lot of time in archives or other infrequently visited places with a lot of paper, where he hides among the sheets to draw in peace

Design Notes

  • Always has sketch-like look
  • Can have different markings on body, but it's mostly simple black-line markings with some color accent
  • Can be drawn without clothes, but very often wears his red bandana
  • Yellow lines can be any other color! Can create any extra body parts \ things


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