Princess Chronicle



2 years, 4 months ago


The long-dreaded Fifth Princess emerged quietly from the depths of Princessentia in absolute silence, suddenly a part of the world as though she had always been there.  While the first four Princesses built their kingdoms upwards and outwards, the fifth simply spread her influence through the sea that binds them.  She has not challenged Princess Fantastic for dominance, instead choosing to work sneakily under her nose, altering the world to fit her purposes.

Chronicle's domain, known as Archsea, exists as the ocean and outer space, both endless and dark.  She controls time, also infinite, and money, which is quite the opposite.  Her purpose in Princessentia is to connect the four kingdoms with trade routes through the sea and sky, encouraging the denizens to intermingle and exchange knowledge.  She also smooths out the narrative of Princessentia in both the past and present, weaving cohesive stories that can then push to the future.  Additionally, Chronicle has adopted various creations of the other princesses who have shown potential, and she develops them into stronger characters.  Many of those go on to become Chronicle's merchant fleet, carrying adoptable creations into other worlds for profit.

Being older than the other Princesses, Chronicle is comfortable and unglamorous.  She does not seek pretty princess fantasies, but does carry herself with the demeanor of a dignified witch much older than she actually is.