Irara's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Tomomi Global Rules
Please follow these rules !! —

✦ Change the design however you want, but still credit me for the original
✦ Cooldown for trading the adopt is a week

✧ Do not sell for more than the price you paid for (unless they have additional art)
✧ If you got traded my design that was bought for (ex. $30) you cannot sell it for that amount if you weren't the one that bought it initially, you can only trade it OR sell it if you added additional art
✧ Do not delete or hide their profile, though if you must (for the latter) I'd appreciate it if you'd authorize me so that I can be able to keep track of my designs !
✧ Do not use my designs for hate or anything of the sort