?'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Fox_Doodles_Adopts Global Rules

Please read through the terms carefully!

These terms were last updated on May 5th, 2024.

☁️Do not take my designs off of Toyhouse.☁️

☁️Do not hide my charactes from me! I like to check ups and if they’re hidden it look like they been deleted.☁️

☁️Do not take away my credit as the original designer even if you redesign the character.☁️

☁️Do not delete my characters from Toyhouse altogether. if anything send them back to me, if I do find them delete I’ll make a new page for them.☁️

☁️Do not donate my characters to any shelters except DesignShelter. They're the only ones I trust.☁️

☁️I understand you now own this character and can do anything you wish to them design, art or story-wise.☁️

This isn't a rule but if you're reselling a character of mine, don't hesitate to contact me again about it, I love to buy old characters of mine! <3