


2 years, 4 months ago


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Name: Quartz

Future Names: Quartzcloud

Age: 42 Moons

Gender/Pronouns: Trans Male(He/Ze/They)

Clan: N/A

Rank: Former Kittypet

Orientation: Undecided

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Family Info

 Parents: N/A

 Siblings: Topaz

 Mate: N/A

 Kits: N/A

 Other: N/A

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 RP Information

Born in the captivity of a shelter, Quartz was quickly bought by an elderly lady who had just seemed to pick up a similarly aged kitten. Quartz never had a name before his, but Topaz nicknamed the lynxpoint Kaleidoscope, since his eyes seemed to occasionally sparkle with every color in the rainbow. Ze grew up happy in the neighborhood! The woman always got him new outfits, most of which they'd enjoy, and he had access to his favorite food ever, twoleg leftovers. This came to an abrupt end with the elderly women succumbing to her age, and he was the first of the two to escape the house. He originally ran to find help, immediately sensing something was wrong, yet upon his return, Topaz vanished as well. He now just wonders around, noticing how twolegs seem to still like his pretty pelt, so he maintains it just in case he needs anything to eat. He also hopes to stumble upon his friend, since he hears from the other kittypets that she's still wondering. He's stayed clear of clan territories for now, but might explore if it means he could find their friend.

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 Appearance: Quartz is an average-sized lynxpoint siamese with slight grey spotting and pointy, periwinkle blue eyes. He always wears his rainbow colored color, which has a cloud and a pearl attached to it. It seems that with age, more grey coloring appears on zir pelt.


Quartz is an incredibly self-confident tom with a huge focus on appearances. Ze always makes sure his fur is in peak shape, that the collar always faces forward, and that zir posture is straight. Their once shiny, colorful accessory has started to dull in color, but they make the most of it. He used to sport many kitty accessories, most gifts from his previous owner, but now he only has this left. Is very protective in general, sometimes known to get... overbearing to say the least. He has a good heart, even if it seems that he's being selfish at times.

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