ᗯᏒ Rustic Antique



2 years, 3 months ago


Donkey used for breeding mules 

Registered Name: ✭Ꮢᗯ Rustic Antique
Barn Name: Rusty
ID: still looking for a registry
Gender: Jack
Breed: Mammoth Donkey
Age: 3 years old
Height: 16hh
Color:  Bay Roan Appaloosa
Genotype: Ee/Aa/Rr/nLp
Discipline: Trail, lesson donkey, & for breeding mules 

Temperament: Rusty is a pretty level headed donkey. He’s mostly used as a stud and a livestock guard for the cows, sheep, and goats. He’s also trained to ride, mostly just for trail. He’s often ridden by kids wanting to enter fun little local shows.
Quirks: He likes to play with your fingers. He won’t bite you, but his likes to fiddle with your fingers with his lips.
Trainer’s notes:
”Rustic is naturally good with others. He’s great for kids since he doesn’t spook easily. He has high preservation and can appear a little stubborn, but he’s also a safe choice. He’s sturdy and sure footed. He’s a little hard mouthed but if you’re persistent he’ll listen. He does like to bray loudly, especially if you don’t feed him on time. He gets along with horses really well, but horses might be a little put off my his strange looks.” 

Good traits: Safe, steady, & sturdy. Long ears, pretty head set, strong back, good ass, swinging stride, and strong hooves. 

Overall Description:

Rustic has great conformation for a donkey. He’s got big eyes and a pretty head which is great for mule babies. He’s got a great swinging stride which makes him fairly smooth. He’s got long, healthy ears and a strong, flat back. He’s got solid hooves, short find tail and a smooth mane. For a donkey he has fairly soft fur, but it usually gets fuzzy when he isn’t shaved. His mane is usually kept roached, but it’ll stick up straight when it grows out.

Status: Open 

Price: 50 Deviantart points 

------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown 
----------------- SS: Unknown 
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown 
Sire: ERR Thrift Shop 
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown 
----------------- SD: Unknown 
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown 

------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown 
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown 
Dam: BHS Crimson Heart 
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown 
----------------- DD: Unknown 
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown