Persona - Ryft



6 years, 6 months ago




Created: July 2006
Status: Active; Main
Worth: too much
Notes: Fully Monochrome.
Creator: Solar-Paragon

Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Solar-Paragon


Adventurous • Polite • Ditzy
Name Ryft Nickname Kid
Age Old Zodiac ???
Gender Male Orientation Unknown
Species Artificial God [Altiron] Voice
Relationship Song
Alignment Neutral Good MBTI INTJ

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The grey dude in my icon is my main character. He's an inorganic space alien made of boson particles. He has absolutely no color to him. At all. He can't even reflect color.

He's a quirky 'kid' for his species, despite being older than most humans. (Older than most multiverse tbh)

Altiron are a bunch of universe-bees that were tasked with granting elevated organic species the ability to travel FTL through use of the Cosmic Gatestream. They all kind of went nucking futs though because of infighting and now they keep killing stars because they want to restart the current universe. (Not really they just don't remember their actual directive so they're just deleting everything instead.)

Ryft is a useless runt defect who'd rather play checkers than do any of that silly universe-balancing gatekeeper stuff.

His species is based on the idea that Reality is worthless and the Universe is just a simulation with a set of rules for it to function which can be manipulated by a being with a higher plane of existence; the relationship of which is comparable to a devteam debugging a computer program. The altiron, in this case, are the program's pointers, but someone dicked up the array and now they're all broken.

Ryft's overpowered towards creatures made of forms of energy, or that rely on quantum physics or the concept of a soul to exist. Dealing with organic life, he's fairly harmless. Ryft thinks organic creatures, or lower-existence creatures, are interesting. He'll interact with them in a friendly manner and won't do any harm.

Ryft is part of a sci-fi series I started working on back in 2006. Of all the characters I have, Ryft is the one that changed the least over time in design and concept.

Almost all the artwork from 2009 and back has been removed from this folder due to inaccuracies or me being a big baby because my skill level was pretty poor back then.

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