Helias Afterglow



2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Helias Afterglow (Swan)


Older than time


January 17th


6'2" (187 cm)




True Angel/Celestial




Water (Lakes/Rivers), Swimming, Helping others, Traveling, Beatrix


The Spiteful, Curses, Being asked his name, Being reminded of the past

Key Personality:

Avoidant, Quiet, Melancholic, Meek, Chivalrous


Harnessing light similar to the Divine, Perseverance


Helias Afterglow means "God's Afterglow" God being in reference to the Sun and Afterglow meaning remnants of light after a sunset or a lasting feeling of joy

Being born from the theological sky close to Hope and Diligence, Helias, is the angel of perseverance. Being around him usually brings on the nature of not wanting to give in till you succeed and he will do anything to help you.

 The Psychomachia:

After defeating the demon Shax in battle the demon asked if he could at least have Helias's name before he died. Helias politely obliged and as the demon crumbled cursed Helias's name. Those who said it would suffer a great tragedy even just asking for his name would cause those to fall ill. Names are considered special to celestials since they are born with them rather than given them. Names are not only a way for other angels to feel close with each other but it is speculated it holds a lot of their power and sense of self. Losing this piece of himself and watching people dear to him perish for simply saying his name greatly traumatized Helias yet he still persevered though the war. Though the rule was made that no one with curses would be allowed to stay in Heaven, Helias was given special permission by the virtues to stay in Heaven like normal as they feared that banishing him might cause his condition to worsen and cause him to seek self-destruction. Even with such generosity he didn't want to give his curse a chance to hurt others so he still willingly chose to isolate himself. Celestials at the library are still searching for a way to break his curse...


  • Not only does he enjoy traveling to new places he also feels a little guilty for staying in one place for too long and rarely returns to his home in Heaven
  • Nicknames are usually not something that celestials partake in but just to have something to call Helias everyone lovingly calls him "Swan" due to his hair and size of his wings. He doesn't resent this nickname at all but he has started to feel rather detached from others when he hears it.
  • Helias was born with under developed wings so he can not fly without the assist of magic. 
  • After his name was stolen he had trouble using and casting his magic but he found using his necklace as a point of focus helped a lot. He stores his armor and sword in a summoning inscription on the back of it.
  • Since he wanders the Afterlife frequently he finds people often getting lost in the Afterlife's forest and attacked by demons so if he's near he always offers to help people as long as they don't not ask for his name. As soon as the deed is done he disappears as quickly as he can so that no one is ever tempted to ask his name. This habit of his has caused people to spread stories earning him a mini urban legend title as "The Swan Knight of the Afterlife" and isn't sure how to feel about it.  
  • He often feels it might be better to perish than let others have a chance of getting hurt from his curse but he continues to persevere because he doesn't know how to go against his celestial nature