Takehiko "Kumo" Abe



6 years, 7 months ago


[  BASICS  ]



NAME: Takehiko Abe

SIGNIFICANCE: Takehiko (雄彦) means “hero prince,” a name his parents gave to him believing he would grow up to be a great hero. And Abe (安倍) which means “peace” (安), and “multiple times” (倍), is the surname of his family naturally.



SIGNIFICANCE: Japanese for spider, it’s a name he came up for himself and also his villain name. He feels that it suits him  more than he real name actually does. Whereas he personally prefers this name, it’s not exactly like he can go around anywhere freely and get whoever to call him that, so he still continues to use Takehiko when it’s needed.


NICKNAME(S): Take, Hiko-nii (by his younger siblings)



SIGNIFICANCE: As already stated, it is the Japanese word for spider.




BIRTH ORIGIN: Yokohama, Japan




SEX: Male







RACE: Asian


SIGNIFICANCE: It’s simply just the fact that both his parents are Japanese.




LANGUAGES: Japanese, French, Italian, Spanish

SIGNIFICANCE: He grew up in Japan, so naturally he knew Japanese. As far as the other languages go, they are all considered to be the “romance” languages, so he had always wanted to learn them on the off chance the phrases would come in handy. Plus they’re also all languages of countries he wished to visit.






EDUCATION LEVEL: High School Diploma




  • Despite being a villain he hasn’t really done any major type crimes, though he has certainly had a few accounts of injuring civilians and a few other crimes. He actually has not commit murder, however he may have come close to doing so before to some people whether intentional or not.





HEIGHT: 6’0 (182 cm)

WEIGHT: 160 lbs (72 kg)


HAIR: Long, messy black hair that reaches about to his shoulders. His bangs are long as well, and they actually cover up his eyes, preventing most people from seeing them.

EYES: He has spider eyes, so they’re pretty much just completely black.

SKIN: He tends to appear a bit on the pale side.


GLASSES/CONTACTS?: glasses / contacts / neither


NATURAL EXTRAS: Underneath his hair he has eight eyes, though he can only see as much as a spider sees. Also has two protruding sharp teeth, that appear to be in a fang-like shape.

SIGNIFICANCE: It’s just something that goes along with his quirk really.

FACIAL ACCESSORIES: He has about three piercings on one ear, along with a small tattoo of a spider web on the lower part of the back of his neck.

SIGNIFICANCE: No major significance, he just likes the way it looks on him. Plus he always wanted tattoos and piercings anyways.



neutral: Just a casual blank expression.

happy: A small smirk is about all it is, maybe see a glint or two of his eyes.

sad: His sad face seems more like he’s pouting than anything honestly.

excited: A wide smirk, teething showing, you may even see his eyes glint through his bangs.

bored: A blank face, probably blowing on one of the many pieces of hair in his face.

angry: His mouth with distort into a front and his eyes can clearly be seen glaring despite his hair in the way.

confused: His nose scrunches up, like he’s trying to think intensely about what happened.


DRESSING / COSMETICS / JEWELLERY: When dressing in formal clothing, Takehiko tends to wear rather expensive looking type clothing. Whether it look fancy or just simply be something one could tell had to cost a lot of money, you can tell he certainly isn’t in a bankrupt situation. That being said, he always wears some article of clothing that will hide his tattoo. 

VILLAIN OUTFIT:   Something rather like this, though of course this does not account for his spider legs.



QUIRK NAME: Arachnophobia

QUIRK ABILITY: When his quirk is activated, Takehiko grows eight spider-like legs out of his body, and the fangs in his mouth become much sharper and seem more protruding. He appears much more like a spider, and can climb up just about any surface with his legs. His fangs become poisonous and he is capable of spitting out webbing, though he can only do so 3-4 times with each activation. However, he can only use his quirk for up to an hour before it starts to have an effect on him. As his fangs are now longer, if he were to move his mouth it’s highly likely the fangs will scrape against him, even if just barely. Whereas it would not be an issue beforehand, after he pushes himself for a while past that hour time limit, he still start to feel the effects of his own venom being to paralyze him. Depending on how hard he pushes himself he can stay paralyzed for up to 24 hours before the venom loses its effect on him.



PHYSICAL HEALTH RATE: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

MENTAL HEALTH RATE: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10



  • N/A




  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder  

  • Superiority Complex

  • Inferiority Complex

SIGNIFICANCE:  After years of being held up high by his parents and younger siblings, but constantly beaten down by his older siblings, Takehiro was bound to develop a few issues. On the outside, he holds himself up really high as if he is the best and most important person in the world. He shows a surplus of confidence, so much that he constantly goes on about how great and amazing he is. However on the inside, he is actually very insecure of himself and has so many doubts and regrets. He will never ever admit to that side though, as he sees it as nothing but a weakness and refuses to accept the fact that this behavior may not exactly be normal.



ALLERGIES: Peppermint oil

ADDICTIONS: If anything he’s addicted to music, learning languages, and the idea of travel.

SIGNIFICANCE: Well as far as music goes, he loves music! He also plays the guitar constantly so it’s easy to consider it an addiction to him. As for learning languages, well he already speaks four, and he can’t help but like the idea of learning more (though whether or not he’ll do so we may never know). And he loves the idea of traveling, though it’s not something he has been able to do due to the circumstances.


HYGIENE: He actually has above average hygiene, as he prefers keep himself as clean and well kept as possible. (aside from his hair because that’s a mess)


BLOOD TYPE: O negative




POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES: If there is anything to say about Takehiko, it’s that he is actually really outgoing. He isn’t afraid in the slightest to start and hold conversations with just about whoever. Starting conversations just sort of comes naturally to him, and he’s good at telling people exactly what they wish to hear. He’s rather charismatic, charming to anyone who he speaks to casually, some of them still being caught in his charms even after catching a glimpse of his bad side. He can be rather confident in himself and his abilities, and also pretty determined when he sets his mind on a goal. He can also be a bit on the flirtatious side, though whether that can be seen as positive or negative is unsure.

NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES: However, Takehiko is also definitely on the narcissistic side outwards wise. He holds himself up high, even going as so far as to refer himself as superior to most others. Inwards though, he is constantly beating himself up and feeling as though he isn’t good enough, which is something he locks deep away within his heart. Both of these traits however are extremes and certainly lead them to be more on the negative side. He also has a short temper and is rather easy to anger. Not to mention he can be a bit on the sadistic side as well.



  • If anything it was his family that had such a major influence on him, though this may not exactly be a good thing.


MOTIVATION: He doesn’t actually really have much of a motivation at this point. He just really does it because he’s been at it for years now and in his eyes it’s not like he can simply stop and be done with it.

STRESSORS: Honestly the littlest things could cause him to stress out on the inside. He screws up something he was doing? Stress. He has something he needs to get done but is slacking? Stress. It’s just a bunch of stress for him on the inside but as he keeps in locked away no one would ever truly know about how he feels about these things.


PHOBIAS: Atychiphobia, Gamophobia

FEARS: Slipping up and accidentally showing his true feelings to someone


  • Atychiphobia “The Fear of Failure”- Whereas he doesn’t have any goals he’s working towards, failure has just always been something he never wants in his life.

  • Gamophobia “The Fear of Commitment”- He likes to think of himself as someone who does not need commitment, though he doesn’t wish to admit it’s more that he fears it. Commitment means they’re gonna have to learn all about you at some point, and Takehiko has feelings deep within himself he believes no one will wish to accept him if they find out.

  • “Slipping up and accidentally showing his true feelings to someone”- Not just for the not being accepted reason, but also because he sees it has a major weakness of himself that could possibly be used against him.


HABITS: He’ll scrunch up his nose when deep in thought. Also will tap his nails on some sort of surface when he’s bored.

SIGNIFICANCE: He actually doesn’t really know how he adopted those habits. Believes it’s probably something he picked up from his siblings in the past if anything.


SKILLS: As far as skills goes, he’s very good at being able to convince someone to do whatever he wishes them to do. Sometimes it surprises him oh well he can do so, but of course it isn’t something that’s gonna work on everyone. Also, he’s actually rather fast. He’s skilled at being able to get from one place to the other fairly quickly. Also knowing multiple languages is a skill for him as well, as he can talk to many different people know due to knowing them.

HOBBIES: As far as hobbies go, music would fall under one of them. He really enjoys playing the guitar! Sometimes he’ll just go out somewhere at night, take his guitar with him, and find a nice quiet place to play it at. He finds it peaceful and relaxing. He also enjoys going for runs/walks and considers it to be a hobby, though it depends on the weather for him to go and actually do so.

