Niko (Adult)


Basic Info


157 ft


356 tons


5 y.o (adult)


Adult Niko! The boyyo has grown a lot 💪

since his species takes only 3 years to fully grow, he is considered an adult at his age. 

Fun Facts about Adult Niko!

-he is still a sweet compassionate boyyo

-His brows make him look angry when he really isn't. He has a calm personality

-treats his mother with the utmost love and respect 

-can talk; has a calm sweet voice

-has been in many fights with other males

-has a few scars on his body

-is very strong 

-has a mate and children of his own 

-is a very protective and responsible father 

-has 14 kids; 10 girls and 4 boys.

-was separated from her for a long time, but now visits his mother occasionally 

-is the biggest out of all his siblings. Mother says she's never seen any creature his size 

-has witnessed humans in the ocean with boats and ships

-has a main diet consisting of krill, shrimp, seals, and crabs. 
