Luluka Lalalupo's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

AnarkheBringer Global Rules

- NSFW is permitted for characters 18 and older (with some exceptions for specific characters, see specific character profiles to check if permitted)

- Extremely heavy gore, body horror, and violence is permitted, and in some cases encouraged

- Ship art is permitted, as long as the character is 16+ in age, the ship doesn't break any common decency rules (no incest, pedophilia, abuse, etc), and the ship doesn't go against specific character info (like a gay character with the opposite gender)

- Drawing my OCs with yours is allowed and encouraged

- Genderbends require permission from me, and will almost never be given

- None of my characters are for sale, and will never be for sale. If you even DARE try to come within a mile radius of ANYTHING I do with NFT intent, you have given me the legal obligation to harass you. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Me bullying whiney thieving NFTbros is harmless in comparison to the planet being destroyed by cryptocrap and shitcoin.

I would appreciate if I was shown any art made with my characters