Harley's Comments

Hello, sorry for late reply! Would you be able to do the two chibis together like a ship art?

yes of course!

I saw you are able to do oc x canon ships, but lmk if this is too much! Could you draw Mickey Mouse and my toon OC, Millie?
and then just the flat fullbody of Millie?

Sure! I dont mind doing the chibi couple of them, anything in your mind :>?

Also, im just offering the chibis OR the fulblody just to be clear x,Dc

Aaa sorry for late reply, got busy! Also okay my bad, I misunderstood XD but the chibi couple would be just fine!


Here they are :>

OMG it's amazing and so cute! Tysm!! I'll send Harley over!

1 Replies