Tanya Addison



2 years, 4 months ago


If you’re unfamiliar with Pokemon, then let me explain. In the game,  Plusle (and some other Pokemon on rare occasions) has a special ability  called Plus. When a Pokemon with Plus is paired up with a Pokemon with the ability Minus (generally by a Pokemon called Minun and others on rare occasions) in a  Double battle, then both of the Pokemon will have increased Special  Attack. But what happens when the abilities are separated? Well… they’re  useless. The ability does nothing. So how does one Pokemon go about  their lives with a useless ability?

Well… Let’s start from the beginning. Tanya was born into a happy  family with her sister, Tammy, who was a Minun. Just 10 seconds  separated from birth, the two girls were inseparable… figuratively and  sometimes literally. They did everything together: playing games  together, sleeping in the same bed when they had a bunk bed, sharing a  bathtub when they were little girls… To say that they were stuck  together like magnets was a bit of an understatement. Despite the two sharing close traits to one another in personality, they contrasted in obvious ways. Tanya was the more boisterous girl, always dragging her sister out to wherever she went, egging her on to try new and sometimes dangerous things. Tammy was the more cautious one, looking at everything carefully and making sure that they weren’t going to be hurt. But how can she say no to Tanya? No matter what happened, the two were always together, and planned on that for the rest of their lives. They were both going to the same college, to major in… whatever, but they had each other, and that’s all that mattered.

That is… until it happened.

The two sisters were on a boating trip with their uncle, as a way of  congratulations of making it though high school. What was supposed to  be a nice, relaxing ride along the lake took a bad turn for the worst, with their uncle losing control and crashing into a wooden dock. Tanya had tried to jump out to save her, but a piece of the broken dock had impaled her in the stomach, while another sudden plank had struck Tammy in the head, knocking her unconscious. Tanya, from the sudden blood loss and pain, had passed out a few moments later. The two were rushed to a hospital, and the prognoses were not good.

Tammy suffered enough blunt force to the head and forced into a coma, eventually declared braindead after a few days. Tanya however, suffered major damage in a few organs and had a small window of living. Her parents, knowing full and well that they didn't want to lose both of their children, decided what was best for them both: an emergency transplant was conducted to take the certain healthy organs of Tammy's, and to put them in Tanya to keep her alive. Despite the last-ditch effort, the transplants were successful, but her parents had never told Tanya about the procedures; all that was mentioned was that the doctors have managed to repair her organs.

Since that dreadful day, Tanya had never felt the same. What was  almost normal to see her smile now turned into a challenge. Her  boisterous attitude turned quiet and meek. Her outfits changed from  light and colorful to hoodies and jeans only, no matter the weather. Due to her "new" organs, it had been hard for her to eat normal amounts of food, occasionally complaining about stomach pains and other lower body aches that nothing but a little medication couldn't fix. But she kept one thing to heart… She was going to go to college without her sister, at East Johanna Tech. She mentions that it’s what Tammy would have wanted, and she just wanted to respect that wish. Now… The hardest part is finding out what to do without a guiding light every day. Her own decisions, her own challenges… all alone.


Age: 19

Height: 4'9" (1.44 meters)

Birthday: August 25

Favorite Food: Lasagna

Favorite Drink: Orange Soda

Hobbies: Binging TV Shows, Long Walks, Napping Outside

Species: Pokemon - Plusle

Gender: Female

Orientation: Lesbian

Occupation: College Student