Unit Cr-1-m-s-0n



Cyx Oc, Unit Cr-1-m-s-0n (Crimson)


Species Info Given by: Toy20243 on CS

Cyxes are small fox-like robots developed as
a perfect toy for children! They can be
programmed to learn, play, and even fly!
Your pet Cyx won't require oxygen or food -
As they live off of batteries!
Cyx are programmed to act like real creatures and some
are even released into the wilderness.
Releasing Cyx has been shown to improve wildlife and allows us to document endangered species
Cyx do not have genders but can be assigned one.
Overall, having a Cyx means nothing less than
many many hours of fun!


  • Name: Unit Cr-1-m-s-0n
  • Name preferred: Crimson
  • Age programmed: 23
  • Gender programmed as: Male
  • Height*In Cyx form*: 3' 4''
  • Height*In Android from*: 4' 5''
  • Weight*In Cyx Form*: 166lbs
  • Weight*In Android form*: 190lbs
  • Programmed to: Fly, Shape-shift(to Android), Detach his limbs in some places (May add more)
  • Job: Fox Den Leader
  • -Watches over a pack of endangered forest Cat-foxes called the: Faresi (Far-rez-ee)( Faresi are a species of red fox that have been genetically tampered with in their early days. The ones now left are descendants of them. They mostly have reddish-orange fur and cat-like features. But there do tend to be some mutations in colors and even some looking more cat than fox. And this is why they are marked under "Endangered". ) /Will put more info once i figure out more info for Faresis'/