


2 years, 7 months ago


He/they (sometimes she/her) | The Guardian of Land | Maine Coon Cat

Tolorian is typically known to be a gentle giant who’s always got a soft smile on his face. He does his best to be loving and accepting towards others, though this very often comes at his own mental health as he rarely stands up for himself. He’s emotional and tends to get easily upset and shaken up when bad things happen.

Even with all of his flaws he is well loved for being gentle and giving relatively good advice (though do as he says not as he does)

Tolorian is also quite a romantic and falls in love quickly, he has had many failed relationships.

Symbols and motifs-

- Flowers and general plant life, both in bloom and wilted. He is specifcally associated with the phlox flower.

- He has the ability to control plants and earth (rocks and dirt and stuff)


Tolorian had originally been an angel created by Murk(Lumin at the time) for comfort. He was designed to be gentle and caring, everything a big brother could be. The two lived in the clouds far above the earth,

Though Tolorian had his own will, and he could only handle so much of being the troubled god’s therapist and took matters into his own hand when Lumin went down to earth and destroyed a village of mortals that he had been visiting and helping. 

He gained power through a mysterious force (The God of All), and used it to rally and power up humans and directly battle Lumin resulting in a very long war. 

Tolorian’s anger dies down and he realizes that the war isn’t going anywhere. He approaches Lumin (now named Murk), to tell her that they can go back to heaven and just being brothers again if she stops the war. She agrees to stop the war, but doesn’t take Tolorian’s offer. She instead leaves him to stay on the earth while she returns to the heavens.

Tolorian becomes a guardian, helping rebuild the lives of the mortals who want to return to normal. Those who want to stay by his side, he grants them immortality and allows them to help him.

He takes the role of being as much of a pacifist as he can, wanting to avoid conflict and just be a caring and comforting source for those who need his help. Even if it costs him his own wellbeing.


  • His brother, Murk 

Tolorian is actively working out to reach out to his brother and try to fix their bond. Often this results in awkward interactions with Tolorian initiating and Murk ignoring him at worst or awkwardly trying to have a conversation with him at best.

Tolorian’s younger angel form can only be drawn with Murk’s younger form, Lumin. Tolorian always did his best to cheer her up when she felt down. The two were much closer as children.

  • His husband, Silburn

Tolorian was drawn to Silburn’s assertiveness. It wanted to learn more about the world and Tolorian loved helping him wherever he could. He found a form of similarity with Silburn as the two were both fallen angels who had left their gods.

Though Silburn’s ambitious lessened as Tolorian’s whimsy won out. The two of them got closer, started dating and got married. Silburn mellowed out a lot and enjoyed being by Tolorian’s side. 

However, something changed in Silburn when his desire for revenge came back bigger than ever. 

Tolorian doesn’t want to directly oppose him, but wonders what happened to the man he knew before. Their relationship is much more strained as Silburn tries to bring along Tolorian for his plans.

  • His best friend, Ziviash

Ziviash was a human civilian who had been injured during the war. He was brought to Tolorian and nursed back to health and afterwards Ziv agreed to become immortal and stay by Tolorian’s side. 

Tolorian values Ziv deeply and often goes to him for second opinions on things. Ziv is basically there to make sure that not every decision Tolorian makes is a bad one. Tolorian is most comfortable with him.

Ziv has a really big one sided crush on Tolorian, which Tolorian is aware about. He knows how Ziv views him and he doesn’t like the idea of how much power he’d have over Ziv if they were to date. He doesn’t know how to properly confront Ziv about it and so he does his best to not acknowledge it.