Jimmy Ribs



2 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Jimmy Ribs


Member of the Bone Breakerz




Jimmy Ribs is a skeletal classic run-of-the-mill greaser/gangster.

He's the head honcho of the Bone Breakerz, a tightknit gang of strange characters who spend all their time together. (In terms of their vibe, think something like The Bubble Poppin' Boys from SpongeBob). Each member of the gang wears the same red shades, a popped collar, and a necklace - their uniform, if you will. They might seem like an intimidating bunch, but if you were to approach them, you'll find they usually spend their time having good-natured talks and reminiscing on their lives together.

Jimmy had been human once upon a time, but what his human life had entailed is beyond him. After being exhumed and raised again by graverobbers, Jimmy Ribs is all he knows, and he can live with that.

Besides Jimmy, there are 3 more members to the Bone Breakerz: Dr. Icing Maker, Bertha, and Pancake. (These guys were created by my friends!)

Dr. Icing Maker is a gingerbread man, and he was the first addition to the gang. Dr. Icing Maker, being a cookie, cannot go into water/rain and has had a few close calls over the years, but he's resilient and doesn't allow this to stop him. He and Jimmy have known each other the longest, through thick and thin, and it's understood that the two have a connection that goes... beyond the realms of just friendship, so to speak.

After Dr. Icing Maker, the two stumbled across Bertha, a Tyrannosaurus Rex. They had accidentally dug her up when digging for other, perhaps insidious purposes, and they gladly welcomed her into the group. She's brightened their lives ever since. Bertha is the "cool gal" of the gang, and a delight to have around. 

After Bertha, the three discover a new character: Pancake, who was welcomed into the gang as well. Pancake desperately seeks a father figure in Jimmy, who is not ready for fatherhood, but is cordial with him nonetheless. Eventually, Pancake confesses that he had initially intended to overthrow the Bone Breakerz, but that he called it quits because the gang was too nice. The group does not reprimand him for this, and he continues to be a member to this day.