Fuleana Englewood



2 years, 4 months ago


  • Fuleana Englewood

  • birthdate 5 March 3347 GE
  • gender Female
  • pronouns She/her
  • species Felait-cais/nerath
  • sexuality Pansexual

Feisty • Active • Honest


Fuleana is fiery and feisty. She takes no shit from anyone and gives no shits back. She can be seen as crass and sometimes rude, but she does care - and she'll admit it, too. She's just very honest. Fuleana acts tough and sometimes egotistical, but it's to hide her insecurities - and she wishes she was actually confident. Fuleana likes to flirt, but her version of flirting is usually challenging others to arm-wrestles or intimidating them with her powers or physical prowess. Has a short temper and anger issues. Tends to yell a lot when she's angry, and can get physical if the argument escalates enough - especially if she's drunk. Fuleana is a very active person, and doesn't like to sit still for very long. She generally doesn't enjoy watching shows or movies or reading books for this reason. She's very competitive at video games, though, and never sits still when playing them. But she'll only play a video game if it's multiplayer. Fuleana doesn't really know how to process her feelings towards her mother's death, and takes out her anger on those around her a lot, though she tries to take it out on a punching bag instead, if possible.

Fuleana misses her mother, Valeria, dearly. She wishes she could've met her absent parent, but is also angry at them. She used to drink to cope - and was an alcoholic as a result.

"Choose your path wisely - or I'll give you the shock of a lifetime!"

height 6' (183cm)

build Slim, athletic

agab Female

nicknames Leana

homeworld Sorulia

birth surname Englewood

birthplace Dunma, Rohar

death 18 November 3440 GE

nationality Sorulian

deathplace Gaidhina, Linligh

spirit Stoikeon (Irakas)

c.o.d. Cerebrovascular accident

religion Atheism

romanticity Aromantic


  • Drinking
  • Physical activity
  • Honesty
  • Winning


  • Sitting still
  • Herself
  • Losing
  • Things that require patience


  • Roharian (native)
  • Gaidhinish (fluent)
  • Gathurilic (fluent)
  • Saltaizan (fluent)
  • Soporthnan Common (fluent)
  • Soporthnan Common Sign Language (expert)


  • Poledancing (master)
  • Gymnastics (master)
  • Combat (master)


  • Gaidhina Freedom Fighter, Stoneheart Group (3365-3369)
  • Private of the GLA (3369-3371)
  • Corporal of the GLA (3371-3373)
  • Galactic Sentinel (3373-3374)
  • Lead Sentinel of the Order of the Galactic Sentinels (3374-3408)


  • Control of lightning
  • Abnormal strength


Fuleana was born in Dunma, Rohar, on Sorulia, to Valeria Englewood, as one of a triplet. Her other two siblings are Serolas and Roharth. Fuleana's parent, Venoth Gatus, was absent, as was Serolas's father, Javelin Arbelester. Roharth was the child of both Javelin and Venoth. As children, the three enjoyed the comforts of Sorulian society. Fuleana was best at PE in school, but also took a special interest in her leadership & organisation class. When the Nozama Corporate Federation invaded Sorulia shortly before Fuleana's 15th birthday, her powers began to surface. She truly discovered them only a few days after this, while she was pretending that a tree was a Nozama soldier. She destroyed the tree with her lightning, and was at first terrified of her powers, but quickly became excited by them.

Valeria was alarmed when she learned of Fuleana's powers, and urged Fuleana not to abuse them, and to keep them secret. Fuleana didn't want to keep her powers a secret, and began to show them off to kids at her school. Word spread quickly of a young felait who could create and control lightning. It wasn't long before Fuleana's family was visited by a group known as Conclave of the Stoikeon Priests, whose aim was to train the Stoikeons to use their powers. It was then that Fuleana learned that her spirit was that of the Irakas, one of the Stoikeons - powerful elemental spirits. Valeria reluctantly allowed the Stoikeon Priests to train Fuleana, under the condition that Fuleana remained with Valeria.

Fuleana continued to go to school and live a fairly normal life, while also being trained by the Stoikeon Priests to harness her powers. Fuleana was largely bored with the teachings of the Stoikeon Priests, who mostly had her do breathing exercises and try to "connect with" her "inner being". In the latter months of the year 3363 GE, as the Great Sorulian War began to worsen, the Stoikeon Priests urged Valeria to allow them to take her family somewhere safer, where Fuleana could be trained away from the danger of the Nozama Corporate Federation and the growing Galactic Basileia, and where Valeria's family would be safe from the grasp of those who would do them harm.

Valeria refused this, however. A year later, it was discovered that Roharth also had powers - superstrength and flight - when they had an outburst towards Fuleana. The Stoikeon Priests ascertained that Roharth was a Child of Tioddon, like their mother. The Stoikeon Priests decided to also train Roharth in controlling their powers, and partook in educating Serolas on the Stoikeons and basic Word Magic. Less than a year after this, the Galactic Basileia declared victory over the People's Republic of Sorulia, and three days later, on 12 April 3365 GE, the Basilican Guardians showed up on the Englewoods' doorstep with a multitude of Basilican Sentries.

The Stoikeon Priests urged Valeria, Fuleana, Serolas, and Roharth to evacuate the premises, promising to hold off the Basilican Guardians as long as they could. However, their escape was cut off by the elf Supreme Guardian Dimaaga Corenwen and several Basilican Sentries. Dimaaga got a hold of Valeria, threatening her life if Fuleana, Serolas, and Roharth didn't hand themselves over. Valeria urged her children to flee, and Dimaaga hurt her to silence her. Fuleana lashed out, nearly missing Dimaaga with a bolt of lightning. In response, Dimaaga executed Valeria in front of her children. After this, the triplets fled.

Fuleana and her siblings fled far away to Gaidhina, Linligh, joining up with the Gaidhina Freedom Fighters. They joined a group led by a dragonoid named Risas'ta Fordir, calling themselves the Stoneheart Group.

Young Adulthood

Fuleana and her siblings performed various espionage operations against the Galactic Basileia during their time in the Stoneheart Group. However, in the latter portion of November 3369 GE, a group consisting of a felait-aelait named Silacha Samenti, a grevadd named Rosgarth Keralsen, and a kunyn named Mabuch Flilis, arrived in Gaidhina, claiming that they were sent by the Galactic Liberty Alliance to get them off Sorulia. Fuleana didn't believe them at first, but Serolas wanted to trust Silacha and her comrades. Risas'ta made the final decision, declaring that the Stoneheart Group would join the Galactic Liberty Alliance.

Fuleana still didn't fully trust their new "rescuers" - especially Silacha. However, she didn't have much choice. Their first order of business was to rush to the planet Kalthiith Prime, where a half-elf named Kahi Everett was hiding out from the Galactic Basileia. However, they were too late, and had to narrowly avoid being spotted by the Basilican Guardians, who had already killed Kahi. Fuleana resented the fact that they didn't strike at the Basilican Guardians while they had the element of surprise, but Risas'ta had the final say.

After this, the Stoneheart Squadron didn't have much luck finding more recruits. The year 3370 GE was mostly operations that didn't include recruitment, though Fuleana didn't care much - she just wanted to get back at the Galactic Basileia for taking her mother from her. Through 3370 GE, Fuleana grew to trust Silacha, and even confided some of her insecurities in them. By the end of the year, she grew to have a liking for Silacha, and was mildly disappointed to learn that Silacha wasn't interested.

On 18 August 3371 GE, the Stoneheart Squadron was sent to Sentinala, the world of the old Order of the Galactic Sentinels, to recruit a powerful individual of unknown species. This individual was named Kin Rav, and was a member of the thought-to-be-extinct mor'tva race. However, the operation went awry, and the Basilican Guardians ambushed the Stoneheart Squadron. Silacha's starship, the Silent Hand, was destroyed, and the Stoneheart Squadron, along with Kin Rav, was captured.

After three days of brutal interrogation, Fuleana was freed by an alern malyko named Persidan Glemos. The rest of the Stoneheart Squadron had also either been freed by Persidan or by another individual named Kire. All except Roharth had been freed when the alarms in the prison began to go off. There was no way to get to Roharth, so they were forced to leave them behind, much to Fuleana and Serolas's protest. To make matters worse, Risas'ta was killed in the crossfire while they were trying to escape, and then the Stoneheart Squadron was separated. Persidan led Silacha, Fuleana, and Serolas to a Basilican hanger, and with help from both Fuleana and a stolen Basilican starship, they were able to blast a hole in the hangar doors and escape the prison.

However, in their escape from Soilikeia's atmosphere, their stolen starship was badly damaged. They made into superluminal space, but had to drop out before they made it to a safe destination. Two days later, they were captured by a group of pirates known as the Bronze Skull Buccaneers. The pirate ship was captained by Persidan's brother, Rūnidan. Rūnidan took Fuleana and the others to the Admiral of the Bronze Skull Buccaneers: Serolas's father, Javelin Arbelester.

Javelin pledged the aid of the Bronze Skull Buccaneers in defeating the Galactic Basileia, helping to bring Persidan, Silacha, Fuleana, and Serolas back to the Galactic Liberty Alliance. On 25 August 3371 GE, the Bronze Skull Buccaneers formally joined the Galactic Liberty Alliance, and Silacha was made the new Commander of the Stoneheart Squadron. About a week and a half later, the Galactic Liberty Alliance formally proclaimed war against the Galactic Basileia, and the Second Saixalagian Civil War officially began.

3372 GE was filled with various operations for the GLA, a few of which were failed attempts at rescuing Roharth from the clutches of the Galactic Basileia. On 4 December of that year, Roharth was publically executed by the Galactic Basileia to set an example. The day after this, however, a Launn named Al-Ith Rag-Ali iqaak fya-Aritas aaja Jaarghuthyahi Aritas'murakht joined the Stoneheart Squadron. About a month later, during a skirmish on Elosia to attempt and retrieve the elf Durwenlyn Ruedyn for the GLA, Durwenlyn was killed, but Al-Ith managed to kill the myaguu Basilican Guardian Rothin Hok.

On 27 February 3373 GE, the Stoneheart Squadron was attempting to find and recruit a human named Loretta Paoli, but it was much more complicated than they'd first thought - Loretta was with a dangerous, volatile felait known as Predator, who was entirely uncooperative. To make matters worse, the Basilican Guardains showed up yet again, and thus was fought the Battle of Sentinala. Predator was killed by the bounty hunter Valen Yswyn, and in return, Valen was killed by Loretta. It was then discovered that Roharth had been reanimated, just like Kahi, and their revenant badly injured Rosgarth Keralsen.

The Stoneheart Squadron was forced to retreat, and Rosgarth was pretty much permanently out of commission, but two days after the Battle of Sentinala, Loretta Paoli joined the Stoneheart Squadron. Three days after this, on 4 March 3373 GE, Fuleana was witness to the marriage of Silacha and Serolas. The next day, the Order of the Galactic Sentinels was recreated with Al-Ith as its Lead Sentinel, and Fuleana was inducted into this new Order along with Kin Rav and Loretta. Fuleana said goodbye to her brother, who was being promoted to Commander of the Stoneheart Squadron, while Silacha became a Lieutenant of the Red Moon Fleet.

On 6 March 3373 GE, the Siege of New Quexivia began, with the full might of the Galactic Sentinels and Red Moon Fleet bearing down on the Galactic Basileia's forces. The siege was brutal, with Persidan sacrificing his life for the cause. But after ten days of fighting, the siege took a sharp turn in the Galactic Liberty Alliance's favour. Al-Ith destroyed Roharth's revenant, and Loretta destroyed Kahi's revenant, while Fuleana was able to kill the aren Basilican Guardian Limni Akti. On 16 March 3373 GE, the forces of the Galactic Basileia were routed, and the Galactic Liberty Alliance claimed victory in the Siege of New Quexivia.

After this decisive victory, the entire Civil War began to sway in the favour of the Galactic Basileia. Sorulia was liberated by Silacha on 15 April 3373 GE, and even with Kin Rav leaving the Galactic Sentinels to repopulate their species, the war continued to move forward in favour of the GLA. Fuleana helped in the battles for Axpentilon, Eltilon, and Irienilon, all of which had the GLA victorious. However, things didn't go perfectly. On 12 May 3374 GE, Al-Ith's husband, Casorlan Iacradhi iqaak fya-Aritas aaja Linlighi Sirllanakht, was killed in a Basilican bombing run.

The next day, Al-Ith ordered that the Galactic Sentinels should immediately take the offensive on the Galactic Basileia. Fuleana and the other Sentinels didn't like the way that Al-Ith was talking, and claimed that he was stooping to the level of the Basileia. This remark caused Al-Ith to lash out and attack the other Sentinels, before leaving the Order of the Galactic Sentinels and relinquishing his title as Lead Sentinel.

After some debate, it was decided by the leaders of the Galactic Libery Alliance that Fuleana would be the new Lead Sentinel. On 20 May, it was made official. Fuleana was met with ridicule from some media outlets, calling her leadership insufficient in comparison to Al-Ith's, whose group, known as the Liberation Through Action Collective, was integral in freeing Adwocra from Basilican rule, and on 10 November, had killed Dimaaga, Archon Basileus Kūragx I, and the Basilican royal family, causing the fracture of the Galactic Basileia. Fuleana fought these criticisms with remarks that Al-Ith knowingly harmed civilians, while she was unwilling to do so.

Al-Ith's rage culminated in his own Liberation Through Action Collective turning on him for his brutal actions, and Fuleana went after him personally to stop him from doing any more major damage to civilians. She found Al-Ith on Xiroteikros III, after he'd killed the last of the Basilican Guardians, the quexivius Caquexal va Agaricia. Fuleana convinced Al-Ith to focus on helping his own country, as that's what Casorlan would've wanted. She explained to him that the Queendom of Tarrjyafi Launnia was in disarray since the assassination of Queen Ustir-Akha I, and that they needed a leader. Al-Ith agreed much to his own chagrin, and returned to Tarrjyafi Launnia.

After the end of the Second Saixalagian Civil War, Fuleana focused on helping to stabilise the galaxy and take down any other further threats, along with trying to recruit more members for the Order of the Galactic Sentinels. She continued her training with the Stoikeon Priests, now training under their leader - a faun named Aarden Syrentyr.

Late in the year 3380 GE, it was discovered that Loretta Paoli was pregnant. Loretta kept to herself for the most part, avoiding Fuleana and the other Sentinels. Once Loretta's child was born on 4 March 3381 GE, Fuleana offered whatever support she could, but Loretta wasn't receptive. On 9 September 3381 GE, Loretta gave her daughter, named Quincy, to some old friends, and then disappeared. Fuleana then buried herself in her work as the Lead Sentinel to cope with yet another loss of a good friend, including keeping an eye on Quincy Fân as she grew up.

In the beginning of the year 3384 GE, under advice from Aarden, Fuleana started seeing a therapist and, by the end of the year 3385 GE, began to try and quit drinking.

Later Adulthood

On 14 July 3401 GE, an ancient evil reawakened - the Immortal Emperor Atanatos, her hunger for galactic domination greater than ever. With her, the ancient once-extinct race of zaharaans returned from beyond the passage of time. One of them, Zakuras Kijeran, acted as an advisor to Fuleana, informing her about Atanatos and her powers and intentions. Fuleana decided it was time to bring Quincy into the fold of the Galactic Sentinels, seeing her as their only chance to defeat Atanatos. Quincy was reluctant at first, but after convincing from her family, she and her brother, the arus Teu Fân, joined the Order of the Galactic Sentinels. Fuleana, Zakuras, and Aarden mentored both of them, and once they were ready, the four faced off against Atanatos. Quincy alone was the only one able to defeat Atanatos, just as Fuleana thought. After this, Zakuras formally joined the Galactic Sentinels.

On 5 January 3408 GE, Fuleana retired from her role as the Grand Sentinel, giving the title to Zakuras Kijeran. She went to live with Serolas and Silacha's family on Sorulia, where she resided until her peaceful death on 18 November 3440 GE at 93 years old.


Serolas Samenti

[ triplet brother ] Fuleana and Serolas are very different from each other and have a lot of sibling feuds, but they love each other very much. Fuleana would die for Serolas. Their sibling rivalry never gets to the point of actual fighting, mostly because Serolas always diffuses Fuleana's temper. The two are very close.


Roharth Englewood

[ triplet sibling ] Fuleana loved to tease Roharth, but she cared for them a lot nevertheless. Roharth felt like a younger sibling to Fuleana, and despite Roharth's own supernatural power, Fuleana felt the need to protect them. Fuleana would have died for Roharth. The two were very close.


Risas'ta Fordir

[ squadron commander ] Fuleana respected Risas'ta, but got impatient with them when they would say to wait instead of charge into action. Fuleana didn't like Risas'ta's lack of gusto, and didn't understand why the Stoneheart Squadron couldn't just charge into battle immediately. However, Fuleana listened to Risas'ta and respected her authority - mostly because she had to.

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