Akiko Ito



6 years, 7 months ago


Name: Akiko Ito

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Occupation: Villain, later Civilian

Height: 5’2

Weight: 100 lbs

Hair Color: Blonde

Hair Type: Long, and curly at the ends

Eye Color: Light blue

Skin Color: Pale

Nationality: Japan

School: None

Year: None

Distinguishing Features: She has a lot of freckles dusting across her nose and just under her eyes

Personality: Akiko is fairly loud and aggressive, not unlike Bakugou Katsuki, however she has a better grasp of it and knows how to keep her emotions in check. She can be one to run headfirst into a battle, however she is smart enough to know when she is outmatched, usually backing off unless otherwise provoked. She tends to put on an air of not being afraid of anything, saying she could take anyone on, however it is clearly obvious that she is afraid of her parents with her interactions with them and with the way she acts about how she really feels about being a villain. In reality, she doesn't like being a villain anymore than her sister did, but she is more willing to do more villainous things, although she cannot bring herself to kill anyone. She also cares deeply about her sister, Sachi, however she hides that with the anger she has at Sachi running away and leaving her alone to deal with their parents by herself. Eventually, overtime Akiko calms down and matures, becoming someone more quiet and withdrawn, although still having a temper in the company of certain people. She is also much more willing to consider the advice of others, and be able to make her own choices not influenced by her parents.

Backstory: (TW: Abuse Mention) Akiko is the second and youngest child of two lesser known villains, as well as the younger sibling of Sachi Ito, later to be known as Mana Sasaki. Akiko was raised alongside Mana to be villains just as their parents are, and swiftly became the favorite due to her willingness to do the terrible things their parents had them do. However, she was a witness to the abuse Sachi went through due to her being unable to bring herself to do what her parents asked, and became afraid of getting the same treatment, causing her to obey her parents' every order without question. Despite the fact that their parents didn't hurt Akiko, she was still afraid of them, and stuck with Sachi any moment she could so that she wouldn't have to be alone with them. When Sachi ran away, Akiko was the only one who knew what her real intentions are, and while deep down she was glad her sister escaped, outwardly she was very angry with Sachi for leaving her alone in the house with just their parents, and vowed to bring her home. She was eventually forced to join the League of Villains by her parents, where she currently is still a member of.


Hero/Villain Profile

Hero/Villain Name: Solar Eclipse

Costume: A black suit with an orange outline, orange armor, and an orange pair of sunglasses. Also with a white pair of boots and gloves

Quirk: Sun Light

Weapons: None

Gadgets/Tech: None



Likes: Fighting, beating Sachi, earning the praise of her parents

Dislikes: Losing, being reprimanded, heroes

Habits: Losing her temper, being way too excitable, relying too much on her quirk

Fears: Actually killing Sachi (or anyone really), being abandoned, not being recognized, her parents


Family: her parents, Hachiro and Cho, and her siser, Sachi (or Mana)

Romantic Interests: Yasuo Shibata

Allies: The League of Villains

Rivals: Sachi Ito/Mana Sasaki

Enemies: UA High, the pro-heroes

Physical Weaknesses: She can burn herself out fairly quickly due to her quirk, and her refusal to use weapons does not help her at all.

Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Way too cocky and overconfident, and she lets anger consume her, plus she still hesitates when going in for a killing blow.



Name of your quirk: Solar Eclipse

Description: She can shine a light so bright it can blind most people temporarily, and can generate enough heat to burn things depending on how far her radius is.

Strength: It’s very useful for incapacitating her opponents, and can clear anything blocking her way.

Weaknesses: It takes too much out of her, causing her to not be able to use it for another day, and it only works when she is in the light.

What age did you obtain it: Four

How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): She was messing around with Sachi when she got angry, and Sachi noticed she was literally glowing so bright she had to look away. This caused her to calm down, unfortunately she passed out as soon as she stopped her quirk as she was not yet used to the repercussions.


Hichiro Ito- Supervillain name: Shadow Streaker; Quirk: Shadow Illusion- can hide anyone or anything in shadows, but can only do it for ten minutes

Cho Ito- Supervillain Name: Mariposa; Quirk: Metamorphosis- she can transform into a butterfly like creature with wings and the ability to spread certain types of poison dust in the air, however she isn’t unsusceptible to the dust, causing her to use a mask to cover her nose and mouth