Petro Moyaz



2 years, 3 months ago


Name:   Petro Ario Moyaz

Age:   15(honestly this shifts depending on what im doing with him[child and adult versions exist], but in his own canon he’s 15)

Pronouns/Gender stuff:   He/Him. He’s maybeCis, but like. one of those boys who thinks skirts are pretty and likes to be pretty sometimes and is kinda feminine here and there. /shrug hes fucking genderfluid fuCK IT

Sexuality:   Pan disaster

Voice Claims: 

  • Brian Beacock
  • Grian (if petro was british-this also happens to be a great indicator of what kind of person petro would be. Grian has the same chaos gremlin nature i imagine petro to have)

Petro is a character i made iiiiin…2008? i believe??(possibly late 2007)

he started out as a….tertiary-turned-important-to-the-story-later kind of character in a just-for-fun comic i was working on with a few friends. Our characters all had different high school ‘cliques’ and mine was the ‘goths’(lol). Petro was one of the the maybe…4-6 goths i designed??

My brain latched onto him and i kinda. got obsessed and decided(after like half a year) that i wanted to do more with him then just have him feature in a comic that otherwise didnt focus on him at all. So i aged him down a few years and designed a team of magic users for him(cause he was magic…)


(and THIS terrible art is from when i was like. maybe 16 or so.)

EVENTUALLY after alot of time on the character, and after getting on anti depressants and starting to get my life back on track(this took years) Petro kinda. stopped interesting me. And i ended up redesigning him almost completely

Now he’s…

I think the best way to describe him is “Chaotic Dumbass”. this is a boy who will roast you alive about your most recent typo and then scream and cry when you point out one he’s made. He's bright eyed and sweet, he's excitable and fun loving. Petro went from a character who would scoff at you and roll his eyes if you were excited about anything, to the character who will wear a hotdog costume for 2 weeks straight JUST to annoy one of his friends friends.