Asher Mahoney



2 years, 3 months ago


Name:   Asher Mahoney

Age:   ~17

Pronouns/Gender stuff:   Cisgendered He/Him

Sexuality stuff:   thinks he’s straight for a good long while, leans more towards bi later on

“Voice Claim”:   Unlike Pluto

Started out as just some random asshole friend/band mate of Drews, I made him aggressive, a slacker, kind of homophobic(listen. i was stupid) and generally a really unpleasant person to be around.

than i started liking him.


Asher is a bassist, he enjoys music, sculpting and painting. He's also exceedingly interested in archaeology and ancient civilisations, and practices archery! he's a very busy artsy boy. Asher carries what i would call a "gentle" nicotine scent with him wherever he goes(because. i unfortunately like nicotine smell), and is that boy in high school you knew who always looked like he could fall asleep anywhere.

He's a bit cranky, and always ready to throw hands, but he is rather sweet sometimes. He mostly keeps to himself, and is CURSED. This curse gives him intense visions of terrible things that either have happened in the past, are happening right now, or will happen. These visions come on without his consent and throw him into anxiety attacks, and mild seizures. 

He's somehow stupidly attractive and loved/thirsted after in and out of universe! (i dont understand it either)

To explain his character growth:

As a small child asher's parents were drifting apart VERY quickly-his mom found out she's into ladies and not dudes, and started seeing another woman after settling things with her now ex husband. They never told the kids this was happening. Instead they tried to continue living together untill their kids were a liiiittle older, but of course, it didn't work out. So while asher's dad falls into a terrible depression and self worth crisis, asher's tiny child brain decides that his mom ripped their family apart for some random lady she didnt know. cause hes a very dumb misinformed child. His mother leaves, and his older sister goes with her and they mostly lose contact. Asher goes through. a LOT of shit in the course of this story, despite not being a main cast member. He eventually loses contact with his best friend(Drew, an actual main cast member) for what ends up being at LEAST 2 years, and sinks further into depression and alot of other things he's dealing with and sort of just. has to pull himself together or die. He ends up contacting his sister and going to see her as a last resort and manages to actually speak to his mother for the first time in maybe 8 or so years. Obviously they start to work things out and asher realizes he's been really stupid all these years and starts to re examine himself.

By the time Drew gets back to Earth's Dimension, Asher has stopped smoking(or is in the process of quitting) isnt pumping himself full of drugs, and has been sleeping much better. He's genuinely happier and has started realizing that uh. Some guys are pretty dang good looking.

Basically this edge boy stays a punk and a tired disaster, but stops being terrible and grows as a person. Wholesome bard.

(to explain all the angst, this is one of those very few characters i havent changed almost at all since i was an unmedicated teen and honestly? i think im just too attached to how much he suffers and grows as a result and im unwilling to let go of that. so ill allow it. you can have this shit boi, teenager me, we’ll keep him.)

Lots of Ashers art is OLD and thus pretty bad, please know that this boy is supposed to be ridiculously attractive if you're into punk rocker boys. :P