Majime Endo



6 years, 10 months ago


Name: Majime Endo
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Student
Class: 1-G
Height: 5’6
Weight: 149 lbs
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Type: Long and wavy, reaching her lower back
Eye Color: Gray
Skin Color: Pale
Nationality: Japanese
School: UA Academy
Year: One
Distinguishing Features: None
Personality: Majime is a fairly cheerful and upbeat girl, oftentimes approaching others with the intention of making friends. She tends to be stubborn in her own right, as if people ignore her or try to get her to leave them alone, she will just continue trying to befriend them. She is very comforting, always knowing what the right thing to say is in any situation that’s needed, and overall just being a good person to tell any problems to. She is more cautious in a fight, due to her quirk requiring her to be in close contact of an enemy, and so will keep her distance until she has a clear path and an open shot. She isn’t one to take risks, due to wanting to cause the least amount of harm to their surroundings, and therefore is one to dodge and evade rather than attack.
Backstory: Majime was raised fairly normally, by two loving parents. She got her quirk slightly later than the other kids that she lived with, causing her to be picked on slightly, however once she got her quirk, people tended to stay away from her as they didn’t want her to know about their quirk. As such, she didn’t have many friends growing up, so when she got accepted into UA, she made a goal for herself to befriend as many people as she could, especially those she considered to be lonely.
Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Technician
Quirk: Mainframe
Weapons: None
Gadgets/Tech:  None
Likes: Hanging out with her classmates and friends, helping others with whatever problems they might have, helping others in general.
Dislikes: Villains, being left alone for large amounts of time, people ignoring her.
Habits: Pushing herself onto people, avoiding being alone,  wanting to help others.
Fears: Being alone, being completely alone, not having anyone to stand by her.
Family: Parents- Majime has a very good relationship with her parents, and they are very supportive of her wanting to be a hero.
Romantic Interests: Shouto Todoroki
Allies: Class 1-G, Pro Heroes
Rivals: None
Enemies: League of Villains
Physical Weaknesses: She doesn’t use any weapons or gear, and her quirk isn’t particularly offensive or defensive, putting her at a disadvantage in a fight.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: She can be very sympathetic, which could lead to her opponent taking advantage of that to beat her in a fight.
Name of your quirk: Mainframe
Description: This quirk allows her to reach in and “hack” into anyone she touches, giving her any information about their quirk, such as its strengths and weaknesses and how to be able to evade it properly.
Strength: She has unlimited information to her opponent’s quirk, including its strengths and weaknesses and any other information she seeks.
Weaknesses: She cannot steal the quirk, despite being able to figure out everything about it, and she has to be touching the person in order to use her quirk, putting her at an disadvantage in a fight.
What age did you obtain it: Seven
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): She was playing around with some of the other kids her age and got jealous when they started using their quirks, as hers hadn’t come in yet. In her jealousy, she pushed one of the other kids who had started showing off, and ended up learning about his quirk, which caught her by surprise.