Sol (双星)



2 years, 3 months ago


Sol, the King of Caprigons. She created all the others, and her element is creation.

She is eerie and reserved, with a voice that sounds like 2 people talking at once. Those that see her describe her as the most beautiful demon they've ever seen, but they never mention that being near her felt like a tiger's fangs were on their throat waiting to bite down. She rarely acts malevolent, instead she just spends her time trying human cuisine everywhere she goes. Yes, you heard right. The most powerful and dangerous caprigon just likes to wander and eat food. Any food, all food; she has no preference. The newer, most flavorful, or more unusual the better. She is able to be visible to humans in any of her forms if she wants; unlike most of her species.

"All this fighting over 'spices', all this death for a few leaves or bulbs? What is so importan-

Ah. This is wonderful! You may continue now, I understand" - Sol, after learning why humans wage wars over plants

Her abilities include:

Creating new things

Creating things out of nothing

White flames and snow (Her white flames do not burn unless she wants it to, and her snow won't melt or freeze unless it's her intent. The flames can burn even caprigons to ash, and her snow can cause frostbite.) 

Preventing death and reviving the already dead

Anyone in close proximity to her is in better health. the elderly have more energy and less pain, those who are sick get better quicker. Her mere presence blesses those around her. Caprigons around her are enhanced in strength and ability. This is a "passive" ability she has, but she can choose to stop doing it if she wants)

The types of prayers she might answer (She rarely answers prayers, and will only accept living sacrifices or special meals as offerings on the rare chance she does):

Healing destroyed land (Sends a wildfire of white flames to blaze across the area, where it sweeps across, it is restored within the week)

Blessing harvests during famines (Onlookers may see white wisps darting through the fields at night)

Ridding disease or plagues from an area (A sudden chill and snowfall sweeps through, even in summer)

Healing destroyed bodies and minds (A pendant of orange and white is left beside the one praying. It vanishes once the person is better)