Lotus's Comments

This user's account has been closed.

only one who interested me is this guy

This user's account has been closed.

I adore their design ^^
Are you accepting art only offers on them?

Also if they are not up for offers or pending i'm sorry in advance sometimes I can miss things ^^"

it says in his description that i'm accepting art and character offers.

Ah, sorry about that ^^"
I was just making sure you were cool with art only and not only looking for trades and art mixed.

I can offer 3 full bodies for them!
Examples can be found here

I can also offer anyone here if you would prefer
Or here

Would my artstyle interest you?? I can also offer someone from my th^_^

could you link to a folder/some characters you have ufo?

I don't have folders atm as i'm sorting my th new^^' the ocs who are off limits should have the tag stating so tho

They’re precious ^^ 

Feel free to look through my Purge folder and see if anyone catches your eye! <33 If not I’d happily offer art too! 

They're so neat!

Feel free to check out my unsorted for trades! You can also look in mains, but I'm tent with them! Or check out storage_bin!

Thank you for your time! :]