


2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Zendaya

Meaning: To give thanks, gratitude, grateful or gift of god

Gender: Female (Maned Lioness)

Sexuality: Lesbian

Parents: Sarabi and Scar

Siblings: Simba (Half sibling) *Deceased*

Personality: Growing up during a really dangerous time in her life, Zendaya had to choose her battles carefully. Thanks to her mothers guidance she became a regal, kind and gentle lioness, however due to her father's poor behavior, she's had to fight to survive as well. So she's stern but normally comes off as a calm and understanding lioness. She takes great pride in her friends and will fight to protect them regardless of anyone's say so or what consequences could befall her.

History: Zendaya was born during a rather poor time for the pride lands. Her father was a horrid dictator who ran the beautiful land into a hazardous waste land. Sarabi loved her from the start which was very clear where as Scar didn't care for her one way or the other. In his eyes he desired a true heir, a male and Zendaya didn't check those boxes at least not at first, not that it mattered to Sarabi. However during the drought and horrible timing Zendaya was forced to learn things a lot easier. Due to lack of food, milk was hard to obtain so she had to learn to chew meat earlier and as she grew up she had to force herself to be stronger and show more intimidation around others which caused a change in her growth, due to these terrible conditions Zendaya ended up growing a mane much like that of a male and it was a weird aspect that no one had expected from her. Rafiki explained that it was more then likely due to the life style she was forced to adjust too and her body was trying to help her evolve to be better suited for the conditions. In this she started to sprout a mane fast and thick and to Sarabi it didn't change a thing. If anything it only reminded her more of her previous mate and part of Sarabi started to look at Zendaya as a child from Mufasa then Scar. Much to Scar's displeasure. Scar wasn't too pleased about this and made his actions very clear.

He had tried to exile Zendaya when she reached young adult age but the lionesses we're rallied at her side. That Zendaya did nothing to deserve to be removed and had been nothing but helpful to the pride lands. Sarabi being the loudest of them, Scar grew furious and denounced her as queen. Sarabi didn't care but Scar wasn't done yet, and had her hunting party hunt last that anyone who spoke out now got less food and it was all Sarabi and Zendaya's fault. No one blamed them of course but Zendaya did blame herself. Her pride was suffering for her simply being there and though her mother consoling Zendaya couldn't help but feel horrible. Things only got harder from there when some of the pride sisters fell ill from lack of food. Her mother Sarabi being one of them. She begged Scar for help, to have Rafiki look them over, to give them just a bit more food to regain their strength, she was even willing to leave if it meant they'd get help but once again Sarabi spoke out for her thus angering Scar and he refused any of Zendaya pleas. So Zendaya took things into her own paws, late in the night he had Sarabi and Sarafina sneak her off to Rafiki's tree. Telling them not to worry that she'd handle it and to wait for her signal.

She had manage to convince Scar that Nala was trying to make a break for it at the boarders near the thorns and Scar was questioning it at first but given the denial and the way his lionesses had been behaving it didn't take him long to believe that someone like Nala would try to run. So he sent some of his hyena's after her, giving them an opening to take Sarabi off to get help. She told them not to return until she knew Sarabi and Sarafina and of course Nala we're in better health. In his eyes Nala had gotten away and Zendaya had to pull the whole Sarabi and Sarafina passed from their illness. Scar was unfazed while the lionesses mourned. Zendaya's plan wasn't done though, after a few days Zendaya went back to Scar's den and managed to convince the hyenas that there was some lionesses hunting and had caught something far off. Something big, they we're just as starved as the lionesses we're and hunger won over order.

Zendaya was furious with Scar, he was unfazed by her mother's *death* and was willing to let her and any other lioness die for his cause, for his greed for power and she confronted him. When he became aware his hyenas weren't coming for him, he actually looked afraid. Zendaya was much larger then Scar and despite how much it hurt her, she ended up killing her own father in his den, in his final moments he gasped out that his real heir would avenge him. Zendaya had no idea what he meant not for now anyway.

Upon the hyena's return Zendaya had ordered them to leave, that she was now the true ruler for she had taken out the previous king. The hyenas weren't about to let that slide until the others came to Zendaya's aid. Zendaya offered a deal to them. When the land came back to normal, they'd be free to return on the condition that they listened to the rules of the pride lands. Shenzi wasn't fond of that idea but Zendaya tried to appeal to her as a leader. That she knew it was just as hard for her and her hyenas as it was for them. That Scar didn't care about her or her clan and if he had, they'd be full and happy instead they we're just as miserable. Zendaya was willing to offer them an olive branch of peace but if they attacked, she'd be forced to fight and she didn't want to take any more lives. Despite Shenzi's frustration she agreed and her clan left, promising that she'd be back when things we're *better* and Zendaya better keep her promise.

She waited long for news of her mother and Sarafina and Nala but she was giving up hope after a while. It was only one night when Nala returned hearing news of Scar's death and broke down when Zendaya confirmed she had done it. She was relieved from what Zendaya could see, but the news that revealed itself later shocked her far more. Scar had convinced Nala to have his cubs and that he'd help her mother get better if she did. She agreed and regretted it for so long but it was too late now and she was already expecting Scar's cub. Zendaya had managed to talk to Nala, asking if anyone else knew but the only ones who did we're her mother, Sarabi and Rafiki. Zendaya was happy to hear her mom was alright but decided to say Nala had left, had met a rogue and sired a cub. That only they would know the secret and hopefully the cub wouldn't look too much like Scar. Nala agreed.

It took time for the pride lands to be better but when they we're. Zendaya kept to her side of the deal despite her mother and Nala and many of the other lionesses protests. Zendaya made it firm that she'd stick to her rules. If Shenzi slipped, she'd' kick them all out. Zendaya was queen now and her word was final so the lionesses respected it even if they didn't like it. Shenzi did return and she had a few more then usual. Shenzi had a cub and a few of her clanmates had as well, and for the pups sake alone Zendaya was glad she made the deal but she made it clear to Shenzi that if her or her clan stepped out of line, her cubs would lose any right to eat and it would be their fault. Shenzi was annoyed but agreed none the less.

(To be continued)