


2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Gender : Male

Age : unknow

Height : 185cm / 6'1''


Castiel was born and educated for the purpose of serving humans, which he will defend with the help of a large scythe.

With a pair of wings, neither quite white nor quite black, he is an enigma even for those of his kind. Humans took care of them (exclusively women), like preceptors, they taught them to behave well and to do what they existed: protect humans. If they behaved badly, they were severely punished. Which gives Castiel a feeling of hatred towards women. Which one day will be softened if he meets one who will know how to soften him! ...

The city of its people will be plagued by war and the violence of other humans. Many decide to run away, but he and Anadriel choose to stay. Castiel in his very cold and detached way ... Does not hate Ana, unlike his other fellows who deemed Ana too close to humans, much too ... too futile or too frivolous.

One day, fate has ordained that human children were stranded on their island (Joan, Plum and their big brother), that Castiel played the papa hen and to bring their brother back to the fold who had ventured into hostile land. Castiel in turn left the ruins. The relationship he has with Joan and Plum is very strong, he is extremely protective of them.