
2 years, 4 months ago


• He can purr, hiss and make small noises but he has trouble on learning to speak

• He's a klepto, enjoys starting games of tag by stealing people's things, but even when he's gotten caught he refuses to return said things, he makes hoards in small spaces, below beds, behind couches etc. 

• He has a piece of green string tied around his horn, he DOESN'T let anyone touch it by any circumstances, he will snarl as a warning but if kept on insisting he won't doubt to bite

• He also bites as a way of showing love or when he wants attetion, he has no intent of hurting but sometimes he can let himself go and bite too hard by accident

• He likes to be carried around or just sitting on people's shoulders, makes him feel taller

• Gifting stuff of his hoard is the ultimate affection act, only gives stuff away to really close people, be it soft things or... Is that a wallet? Kin, where did you find this wallet?

• He REFUSES to wear clothes, he will take off any clothing he's put on, though if you're determined enough you can at least make him wear some pants

• Has three siblings and a biological dad (unaware)