Kevin Eron



2 years, 7 months ago


Feb 4, 22. Dream character that is totally Kevin Moore, but slightly different for some reason. His hair's shorter and firetruck red. He seems to be pretty much human and he's got a "ghost eye" (the cream one). I think the eye's proof that he's not really real in the base reality? But I'm not super sure, it wasn't really addressed. Just most people in the other reality had full cream eyes. Popped in during a horrible dream slurry of like probably 3-4 different dreams, but once he switched to main character (me), he never left, lol. He's very manic and happy the majority of the time. Probably because of the Mickey/Chip voice actor's (rs'?) energy in Unheard. I played it recently and associated them with his voice and they're relatively high-energy in the game so-?

Before switching to Kev, the main character is a girl with black hair. Reality seems Earth-like, but I don't think it actually was Earth. She was hanging around this recently abandoned gas station/convenience store in pretty much the middle of nowhere and this was regarded as Normal. The sky was only ever pitch black and it was never day. Light came from the nearby streetlamps. A guy showed up (vibed as "Uncle", but this was never confirmed or explained) and was trying to help her I think? She needed medicine that I believe kept her from being afraid of the dark. Despite "Uncle" being a nice older guy, the Main is sarcastic and aloof and grumpy, so she tries to help herself. There's this big underground storage next to the gas station for like a building that was never built? It was mostly a horrible mattress maze with no light except for bleed from the streetlamps. Main goes down there looking for medicine, but gets horribly lost and kind of ruins her easy way back by pushing mattresses over to look for the meds. This however, just reveals more mattresses and makes it unclear where she came from. She starts hearing what sounds like a woman whispering and is a little creeped out, but she can do this! She's a tough girl ò-ó Thusly, she continues on. More and more whispers with different voices start to bleed in until it's so overwhelming that Main goes into a full panic. She frantically gets back to the entrance where Uncle has already apparently come over to see if she went through with the Dumb Choice (this). He's very nice to her, helps her out, and is like "haha, okay, I will help you now". Since that totally uncool thing just happened, she is much more inclined to agree. This medicine and issue is now never addressed again : )

Uncle shifts Main into another dimension that's implied to be like a dream-one (?), but they don't go to sleep to do this. The place is majorly pale, greyish blues, dark blues of the same type, and blackish. Things are mostly unfurnished, sometimes with X and Os on the walls just for flavor? Rooms aren't shaped totally correct, often with random juttings in, as if underneath a set of stairs. Most doorways are open arches. People are capable of flight in there, but only after they are...aware they can fly in there, so Main is initially grounded. When she gets in here for the first time, she's alone. She's auto-clothed with a tight black "spy outfit" that has the windowpane logo on the arm. It's super quiet in here and she's quite weirded out. There are only two paths in front of her, so she takes the lighter colored one. This leads to the "Director"'s office. He's a heavyset, bald, black man wearing a almost-black blue suit. He appears very stern and his eyebrows seem to be pushed down all the time. From here, there's only him behind his low desk and an opening leading to a darker hall. Main is confused and wants to know what's going on, but the Director is very curt. He answers a couple questions, but doesn't elaborate on the answers. Main learns that there's some kind of training going on in here and if she's here, she should train too. The Director points her in the direction of the dark hall. She goes there, entering a large room of the same color that's just...really strangely built. It's like an obstacle course and a playground made of those big, soft plastic blocks exploded (though everything has a simplified shape - this is majorly cubes, stairs, platforms, and juts). The ceiling's very high. Despite this being weird, there's not much else in here. Main cautiously, but easily navigates the area and leaves through another tunnel. She goes back and lives a day in reality after this, but there's not much to show here (Uncle is missing), so it's skipped through pretty quick

When she goes to sleep, she finds she enters the other reality without being led there. There's also a new person! This other character is a heavyset girl around Main's age. She has dirty blonde hair up in a little bun. I think her outfit might have been white for some reason. She's friendly, albeit quite concerned about what's going on. The ladies discus Happenings, but neither have any answers. Both walk down a hall that leads to the Director. There's two halls to choose from this time and both girls go down the same one. This one leads to what looks like an abandoned school-like building. The tiles and walls are white and the mostly broken windows only show a white void outside. The hallways are very tight and have a lot of corridors and metal stairwells. It's generally in disrepair with piles of whiteish sand that look like they've been gradually blown in here. After being lost for a while, the girls find a way out. Main wakes up in reality only for New Girl to arrive at the gas station during that "day". They discuss that wow, this is weird! Uncle shows up and says hi : ) Nothing is explained, we're all confused

For the following flips (as this is happening every night), progressively more people show up in the other reality. They arrive in pairs of two with everybody else now seemingly to be quite seasoned in what's going on. Generally, Main and New Girl are the confused ones. Kev is one of the seasoned people and he is always flying around. He loves flying around. It also makes him tall. He likes this also. The training rooms increase in difficulty with flying courses and enemies, some even with guns. Main is seen to get trained very quickly, becoming a hardened, rad lady. Her friend lags behind a little, but is still there. At this point, the dream says we don't care about Main anymore. Let's be Kevin. We're Kevin now

Kev's training is simply insane because he's been in here forever (It should be noted that while some characters show up in reality when Main wakes, Kev is not one of them). The Director begins sending him on missions in another-another reality (though it might just be another location in dream-reality?). Reality 3 is a visibly rounded city that my brain totally ripped from here. Most buildings are chunky and have a lot of heavy wooden beams on the outside. It's kinda medieval-y? Or like one of those theme park town attractions. The main road is definitely a paved road, though. There are things like modern park benches and vending machines. There's a totally regular gas station. Idk. Whatever the case, it seems like Kevin lives in this reality by default. He's apparently royalty and has an older brother that's just a couple years older than him. Older Brother is nice and a little soft-spoken and blond. So like...totally not Kevin. They have a good relationship, though! The two of them are stated to have a dad, who is the King, but no female royalty is mentioned

Kev spends a lot of time happily flying around his reality, doing weird training tasks, including, but not limited to: Find the sequel for a book in a massive book store being bought out by the entire town Right Now (you do not know the sequel's name). Find 8 vending machines. Steal a...bench...? Give your dad a birthday present that doesn't suck (This is harder than it sounds. It's a whole Thing. Kev seems intent on this being a small animal, but they keep getting away or like,, peeing forever, I guess (thanks, micro sheep)). Eventually, we seem to forget about the mission-oriented part and Kev is just flying around having fun : ) He's still in his outfit, mind. Though sometimes he picks up a Royalty Cape and wears that for a while too

At some point, Kev does a Wrong Thing. There's like this weird...race? Going on in town. It's not really a race, but you can only go x direction and do something specific and you have to leave in x direction to go Here and...yeah. Kevin hecks this up and is declared an enemy of The Zone, I guess. He then has to sneak around, plotting with his brother on getting back on his dad's good side. He does this by uh, flying around and collecting string loops off bottles. The town at this point develops wall, white walls where buildings are now anchored way up high, implying other residents can fly to get to them. There's a lot of bottles on precarious shelves hanging out in the middle of nowhere. He's really worried about dropping them (and almost does 100 times because this is a dream). Eventually, I guess he collects a good amount of string and is all good! : )

But then we're done with that dream and Kev has now been kidnapped. He's put in a prison uniform which is notably dark red. This is audibly declared to be a red shirt Star Trek joke. Apparently, there's this organization that is constantly kidnapping people and it's so rough to stay alive that the new people wear the red outfits. If a higher-up so much as looks at them, I guess they just die? So reds stay with reds and avoid anybody else like the absolute plague. This reality starts off as a lot of metal and stairs, as if we're in an air duct that was just made for people to live in. There's a lot of other kidnapped people wandering around in the twisted corridors, but whenever the see a red they do an anime "tch" and laugh about how they're going to die

Kev starts off with Instructor Lady and two other brand new reds (both ladies). They're apparently going to be led somewhere and they must follow her Exactly (because of the whole instant-murder-look thing). Kev (who can't fly here) was going to do this, but for dream-reasons, the ladies all walked so Freaking Fast that he couldn't keep up despite his desperate attempts. He ends up getting lost in the vents and is terrified that he's going to happen upon somebody who can look-murder him. He eventually finds a place where the vents open up into the "main world", which looks to be just a massive mall. He finds another red (a little lady of color with black hair) and, after they both recover from the shock of not look-killing each other, they team up to try and escape this hell dimension. And then nothing of note really happens for a while :v Kev falls out of the vents and has to try to climb back up. My phone rings and wakes me up