Hildebren Ironroot



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info










Adopted, parents are both Gnomes

Special abilities

Can transform into animals, can call upon the power of nature for magic

Most used animal forms

Bird, mouse, large fluffy dog


Hild is a high-spirited and happy girl. Despite her typical good mood, when angered she is a force to be reckoned with. Hild is highly creative.




Hank, her hawk companion. Dimble, the druid who trained her.




Hildebren is the adopted child of two gnomes. Her adoptive parents found her on their doorstep with a belt buckle tucked into the blanket that was keeping her warm. Unsure of where she came from, but recognizing the symbol on the buckle as the crest of a well known dwarf family, the two took the child in with the hopes of easily returning her to her real parents. The next morning it quickly became apparent that this would not work out. The husband of the gnome couple had ventured out to see if he could learn more about how this child came to be on his doorstep and instead saw a massive plume of smoke. The sight of it distracted him from his original purpose, and he instead went around town asking about what might have happened. In the end, the gnome learned that there had been a fierce attack on a dwarf settlement not too far off to the West. Being fairly bright, the gnome was able to put two and two together and realized the baby came from the now-destroyed dwarven community. Upon breaking the news to his wife, the two decided to raise her as their own, and stored the belt buckle away for the inevitable day when Hildebren was old enough to realize she was adopted. Still, they hoped to conceal the real truth surrounding her family for as long as possible.

For years, Hildebren was raised just the same as if she was truly their child. A bright child, she excelled in school and loved to come home and share everything she'd learned with her parents. Hildebren's adoptive parents were gardeners, a hobby Hildebren quickly took up as well. Her free time was either spent wandering the town and surrounding forest, or tending to the garden with her parents. They thoroughly loved raising her and being her parents. Still, they knew she had ties elsewhere, and so when a druid from a local forest came by to check in on Hildebren her parents were not surprised. The druid, another gnome named Dimble , explained to the parents that it was he who had placed Hildebren in their care. He had come across the burning settlement as the fires had spread to his forest. Being the one in charge of protecting that part of the land, it was his duty to investigate and hopefully help put a stop to whatever was causing the damage. By the time he reached the area the dwarves lived in, Hildebren was the only lifeforce he could sense. Sensing something sinister, Dimble took the child and fled back to the forest. He decided to leave her with a gnome couple he had come to learn were kind and honest people from his time watching the happenings of the town they lived in.

Dimble took the now 5 year old Hildebren asside during his visit, after observing the way she was tending to a young bird. The bird appeared to have been injured, and it was clear dwarf and hawk had a strong connection. Dimble, who was getting old, decided to try and train Hildebren in the ways of the druid. From this point on, Dimble would train with Hildebren daily, and the she adored her time with him. It was many years later, when Dimble suddenly stopped showing up for their daily training that Hildebren decided to set out on her own, hoping to learn about her birth family. By that point she had realized the people who raised her were not truly her parents, and refused to believe her birth family were dead. She was determined to find them, at whatever cost.


HP: 40/40
MP: 80/80
Hildebren (Hild for short)
Dwarf Druid

Image by @yorunaka

Hild is currently travelling with 5 companions. While her original goal of finding her birth family and learning about what truly happened that night their village burned down remains the same, her travels now take her all across the land of Terran, hunting down information on a mysterious organization.


  • Hank the hawk
  • Plants
  • Using her animal forms to sneak up on people
  • Making Potions


  • Orcs
  • Mean and rude people
  • Lazy people

Image by Elllllie



Main Weapon:
Sub Weapon:
Throwing Daggers
Main Armor:
Leather Armor
Flowers in Hair

Skills and Abilities

Wild Shape:
Can transform into an animal. Currently, can only transform into an animal 4 times a day.
Dryad's Gift:
While in animal form, can use any of her spells. Can use as many spells as there are flowers in her hair. Upon casting a spell, a flower wilts. Every day the flowers grow back. Currently, there are 9 flowers growing.
While in bird form, dives down towards an enemy. Shifts into dwarf form right before making contact, pinning foe to the ground.
Plant Growth:
Can control the growth of plants in a nearby area.
Earth Tremor:
Creates a strong tremor in the ground with a 10-foot radius. The ground is affected much like if a small earthquake occurred.


Need to get or make reference art.



Name: Dimble Relationship: Mentor



Dimble is the druid who rescued baby Hildebren. When she grew older, Dimble began training her to be a druid like himself. Currently, Dimble appears to be missing. It is unknown if he is deceased, in trouble, or if he's simply moved on to another forest. It should be noted that Druids such as Dimble rarely change homes once they find a space of land to occupy and protect, making his disappearance suspicious.


Name: Name

Relationship: Datemate/Sibling/etc



Relationship summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean feugiat orci nec lacinia rhoncus. Cras volutpat pulvinar augue, a volutpat nunc convallis id. Ut at consectetur turpis. Nulla facilisi. Integer bibendum iaculis mi, a pharetra erat vehicula at. Praesent posuere sed dui vitae pulvinar. Pellentesque convallis sapien et tellus blandit lobortis.


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