euphoria's Comments

they look so lovely. i can offer 3 fullbodies and 1 chibi, here my examples.

Does anyone on my open for offers folder interests you?

if u are still selling this one i can do 18usd and 2 sketch fullbodies w/ color! 

HI  feel free to look thru here for this guy or them ; if you dont see anyone i could maybe offer art / money if you can take it

is there anyone off limits?? ive had trouble in the past being sent huge folders and then the person backing out when i pick one from there ^^'

no , you can ask about anyone there !!! my offlimits ocs are already extagged or hidden so it should be alright (in case they arent , anyone with special / cooldown / guy tags r offlim ^__^

shoutout to me  forgetting to respond #lol
i could do anthozoa for either of them tbh !! 

SORRY OMG im forgetting too wtf... 3 im totally down to do them for euphoria >:)) and can send em ur way whenever

1 Replies