


2 years, 4 months ago


Created February 2022


Name: Ailish, ? , ?
Species: Lanti

Sex: Female

Height: 48 In (4ft Tall)

Weight: 50Lbs (At most)

Parents: Russell x Melody (Deceased. Russell had a rat and fox form. Melody had an otter and fox form.)

It is apparent that both parents died as an indirect result of the "incident" Ailish frequently refers back to. Her relationship with both was good for the most part, however, it took a turn toward the Lanti realms final days. Russell was ripped apart as a result of the decaying physical laws. Shortly after, Melody gave Ailish an obscene amount of alcohol before drinking herself to death and drowning in the family's pond. Ailish was, unfortunately present to witness both events before falling into the wormhole that brought her to where she is now.

Hometown:  ? Village, Lanti Homeworld

Description: Long white hair, gold eyes

Abilities include: 

Lanti Shapeshifting. Ailish's primary form is a fox that predominantly resembles a red marble red fox with subtle features of a gray fox. Ailish's secondary form is human-like but undersized and underweight with stark white hair and golden eyes.

Healing: Isolated from the primary Lanti spirit Ailish was born under, Canis, Ailish possesses the ability to heal with physical contact and sense illness and injury from afar. Provided she remains in a realm very far removed from her deity, these powers remain. If she were to be returned to the majority of the lanti where this deity now resides, the gift will go away. This further affirms her suspicion that the majority of her people are very far removed from the realm she currently finds herself within.

Personality Traits: Somewhat Shy, Eccentric, Excitable, Thoughtful, Sweet, Resourceful, Sensitive, Enigmatic

Summary: Found in a satellite lab location in the small town of Lendale run by Dr. Simpson and owned by Dr. Emmett Vice. What the purpose of her being there was or how she went about arriving there in the first place is currently unknown. Ailish speaks fondly of a village where her own kind once resided. Though she has yet to get into specifics with most people, she cites an "incident" that eradicated her previous home out of existence. This "incident" involved another, human dominated realm parasitizing Lanti for resources and ultimately leading to the very fabric of the realm collapsing.

Likes: Fibi (Plush fox doll) swimming, coffee, hunting, fishing, radio, music, happy endings, charity

Notable quirks:  The queen of the unconventional, she's the kind of person  who enjoys taking items apart only to put them back together again or build something new. In a normal urban setting, this may be interpreted as destructive by some as Ailish will happily scale furniture, walls, buildings, as well as their interiors. Nothing is off limits.

Seldom does she allow anything to go to waste and this eco-centric approach to nearly everything appears to be connected to her original upbringing.

Insists that yellow is a color associated with hunting wildlife in the same manner most associate woodland camouflage and orange jumpsuits for deer season.

She also has a large space in her repertoire for names of alcohol.

And in spite of her primary form being a fox, she is very comfortable and even fond of the water. This can be attributed to her mother's primary form being an otter.