


6 years, 8 months ago


Personality: Sheep is extremely hot-headed, he usually gets himself into fights or in other problems. He can be friendly sometimes, but its a rare occurrence. He wants to come off as intimidating, and he wants everyone to respect him. If he doesn't get what he wants then he'll try and do something about it in order to achieve that. Sheep resembles Jack's courage and hot-headedness, often helping out when he is anxious about something or Jack gets himself in a fight or argument.

Physical Appearance: Sheep is short, his height reaching only 4'8. He has light blue eyes and white wool, he is only sheared on his limbs because he gets hot easily. He is somewhat muscular and he is good for fighting. He does have floppy ears, some people draw him without them but I really don't mind.

Story: We meet this character during one of Jack's daydreams, he is seen standing in front of Jack. The daydream is cut off my an older man, who is waiting in line to buy his items. This character appears in another one of Jack's daydream, which lasts longer than the first. The character, again, is standing in front of Jack. Jack greets the stranger by giving him a nice punch in the face, then apologizes for the improper greeting. The sheep pulls out a potion from his wool, then proceeds to drink it. The mysterious liquid heals the injury that Jack inflicted onto the sheep. Jack asks the sheep where he is, so the sheep starts explaining the world that Jack appeared in, but is interrupted by an alarm clock. The sheep realizes that he late for something, and tells Jack that he'll explain on the way over to where sheep needs to go. Jack refuses, wanting to go back to reality, but sheep summons a cloud and forcefully makes him sit on it. They both head to an empty area, which makes Jack furious since the sheep basically took him in the middle of nowhere. The sheep calms Jack down, telling him that its required that he needs to imagine the area, for it is hidden. Jack proceeds to imagine the area, and they both enter a cave. After sheep abandons Jack and all that mess happens, sheep is shown to have a bunny partner working with him.

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