Lysette Blackwell



6 years, 7 months ago



Name: Lysette Blackwell
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Species: Human (Infected 2nd Generation)
Status: Alive


She has fair skin and long brunette hair she keeps tied in two low pigtails. She has red eyes with a cat-like pupil, the sclera of her eyes is darker than normal but not completely black. She also has wolf-like ears and elongated canine teeth. She is always seen wearing her maid uniform and her left leg is permanently broken so she wears a leg brace to help her walk.  

Occupation: Maid


Lady Gwenevere Blackwell {Employer/Friend/Sister}

Lysette is a very quiet, solemn and stoic woman. She remains calm even in the most dangerous of situations.

+ Serving as a maid
+ Cooking
+ Reading
+ Peace and Quite


- Collars

- Cages

- muzzles

- Being treated like an animal


+ Very physically strong
+ A good Fighter

- Her speed and agility are reduced due to permanent injury.  
- Low magic resistance


Strength 7/10 

Vitality 8/10

Speed 6/10

Intelligence 5/10

Magic 4/9



     Lysette was born in the city of Elden. Her mother who was infected,  died giving birth to her. Lysette was born infected and having no parents she was taken away and sold to the Blackwell family. She was raised by the Blackwell servants to become a hunting dog for the master of the house. She was kept in a cage and was only allowed out when her collar and muzzle was on. If she ever talked back or tried to escape her master would beat her senseless. One day he ended up breaking her Left  Leg, although it was put in a cast her leg never seemed to heal properly. Over time she grew to hate those humans but the only one she could never bring her self to hate was her only friend Gwen who was the youngest of the Blackwell siblings. Gwen would often visit and play with  Lysette despite her parent's warnings. One night Gwen sneaked out of the house and let Lysette out of her cage. Once free Lysette tore through the household killing most of the staff and Gwen's family. After the massacre, Gwen forgave Lysette and adopted her into the family as her sister. Lysette no longer has to work for the Blackwell Family but instead, does it because she wants to.