Eugene Merryweather



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info




June 27, 1918




183 cm / 6'0


78 kg / 172 lbs.



Significant Other



Mr  Merryweather is the kind of man who always has something to complain  about. Even in almost perfect perfect situations there always seems to  be some minute detail which annoys the man. Because of this it is rare  to ever see Eugene in better moods, the only time when he feels at ease  is when he is able to study the weather; watching the clouds in the sky,  taking notes of their colour and form, or observing the changes in the  weather over the course of a week, or even reading books concerned with  the subject. He is a stubborn person who seldom admits his faults, if  ever. Not to say that he is a mean person or even evil, but he seems to  be unaware of his bad mood and carries on as if all is normal, and acts  like everyone around him are at fault instead of the other way around.  This irritable manner is no doubt the result of him being in a  profession he strongly dislikes, or at least very much enhanced by it.


Eugene  is tall but a bit on the chubby side, certainly not fat but far from as  thin as the majority of his family. His hair is brown, unruly and  parted to the right. No matter how much he tries, he never seems to be  able to get his hair to look more presentable - not that it bothers him.  If one looks closely, one can discern a few pale freckles gracing his  cheeks. As for Eugene's clothing, they are often too big for him and  consist of old shirts, waistcoats and jackets inherited from his father.  These garments are worn-out, colourless and not seldom patched.


Eugene  grew up together with his three brothers, mother and old father. Their  family was not very well off, despite the fact that both his mother and  father were working at the local hospital. Being the youngest amongst  the siblings, the majority of Eugene's clothes and various other items  were passed down to him, worn-out by years of use, and it was rare that  he ever got any kind of recognition from his parents. Not to say that  they did not love him, but somehow they seemed to forget about him until  reminded. Still, they expected him to take the same course in life as  they all had - to become a doctor or surgeon, indeed, even a lowly job  as a nurse would have pleased Eugene's mother and father, but the boy  had other aspirations. He had a fascination for the weather and its  different moods since an early age and wished to become a meteorologist.  This fancy was not meet with smiles from his family, and so he was  forced to study to become a doctor. What else could he do? He didn't  have enough money to study his dream-profession, and seeing as no one  would fund his studies there was nothing else to do but accept his  parents' plans, at least for a while.