

Name [Allura]
Species [Kalon]
Age [Late 20s]
Height [Tall]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/Her]
Orientation [Gay]
Relationship Status [Married]
Occupation [General]
Theme [Soldier]

Status [nft]
Designer [Medd]
Worth [n/a]






Allura was born a noble woman of Edoilia and bred to be a warrior. She was trained from birth to mask and control her emotions, her only focus on the enemy. She was a beat and bred political genius taught by the best money can buy. She quickly gained rank until she was placed as general. As the council shifted, Morganna came into power. The two woman clashed at first, Morganna a great mind but horrid leader due to her brash nature and Allura a leader who values outcome more than means to achieve it.

Through time, differences learned to resolve and they formed a great partnership the bonded into every sense of the word. Two daughters were born, Demetria and Iclyn. Soon, the Order called upon the two women and the kingdom of Edoilia was left in the care of their eldest, Demetria. The two remain the leaders of the Order.

Allura was always a pure born solider. She was raised to be nothing more until Morganna forced her to see beyond the sword. She’s reckless with her life and fears little beyond the death of those she serves. The ways of Edoilia were always the masses live to serve the crown and she played a pawn for the majority of her life. It’s difficult to read this woman due to it being ingrained she does not deserve emotions.

Morganna may be working to repair the damage Edoilia’s pervious council brought, but Allura is just one example of what the kingdom bore. Once these morals are burned into you, they’re hard to unlearn. Allura is difficult to understand and even more so to love or befriend.