Solar Flare



2 years, 7 months ago


Name Solar Flare

Nickname Fire fury

Age 69(age of death)

D.o.B. July 20th

Gender Female

Pronouns She/her

Height 5'3

Build muscular and built

Race Pegasus

Role illegal racer

Demeanor sassy and Daredevil

Aesthetic Fire core

Flower Columbine flower

Likes Thrills, rule breaking, and naps



Reckless • Adventurous • Cool • Loose cannon

Solar Flare grew up in Canterlot along with her mother and father. Her mother was a prestigious pegasus with a knack for money. Always clinging onto what made her seem rich. Though she'd frequently waste money she'd make it through the day, her husband would usually be working, cooking and cleaning. As long he did all that he could stay, and he wouldn't want to leave his daughter. Solar Flare never really found comfort in her mother, constantly getting into petty arguments. She'd often confide in her father as he seemed to be more invovled in her life. She'd continue to go to school in Cloudsdale. Wanting to be a Wonderbolt, she started at The Junior Speedsters Flight Camp. From there growing her skill and spirit. Though she did make it to the big leagues, she realized that she was better off as a solo act. From there one she'd be an illegal racer gaining money and other goods quick easily, due to her skill, speed, and sense of courage.








Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.


Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.

Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.


Gingerbread jujubes sweet roll. Muffin cheesecake lollipop macaroon gingerbread marshmallow lollipop. Marshmallow pie jujubes sweet cake. Jelly beans marzipan tootsie roll danish chocolate cake cake. Jelly oat cake muffin jujubes. Gingerbread cake caramels marzipan. Icing apple pie lemon drops sweet roll lemon drops cotton candy. Chupa chups muffin cupcake croissant cookie pastry jujubes bear claw. Icing jelly jujubes. Carrot cake jelly tiramisu bonbon marzipan marshmallow tart gummi bears. Soufflé lollipop biscuit cupcake jelly beans chocolate cake chupa chups cake candy canes. Icing icing sweet roll sesame snaps cake topping cupcake. Marzipan pie halvah. Cotton candy marshmallow pastry cake soufflé carrot cake chocolate.

  • Solar Flare leaves a streak of fire when she's flying.
  • Her wing tips are usually found a bit burnt after a race.
  • She's half sisters with Amora.
  • She also works in a restaurant.
  • Really doesn't like authority and normally found running from the law.

Both being distant as fillies, have grown closer and usually can be found together.


Wave CrashRival
Both these fliers are very competitive which is enough fuel to see which of the 2 is better.


Meet around the last few years of Solar Flare's life, but enjoyed each others company.