Olympia ๐Ÿ“



2 years, 4 months ago


  • Olympia

  • PRONOUNS she/her
  • BORN July 8, 22?? โ™‹๏ธŽ
  • role Side Character
  • theme


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Olympiaย is a side character of Our Beautiful New World. She is the mother of Sugaย and led the creation of Elysium alongside her past partner and wife Andromeda. During a conflict she and her daughter were deported from Elysium and continued their life next to the Capital on Earth. She is now the head of the Earth resistance group Phlegeton and affiliated with Deimos. Her goal is to overthrow President Andromeda through violent measures.ย 

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BORN INCapital, Earth(?)


LIVES INOuter Capital, Earth

SUN signCancer



STATUS alive



  • Olympia has emotion-sound synesthesia. She also uses hearing aids as she slowly deafens over time.
  • She plays the guitar and her favorite musical eras are the 50ies and 60ies. She also has an enchantingly soft singing voice.
  • She loves to garden and to be around nature.
  • Olympia is the youngest out of seven sisters. She doesn't have a good relationship with most of them anymore. One of them is Daphnia.
  • Despite being kicked out of the country by her wife Andromeda, they never legally divorced.
  • After Andromeda regretted her actions, Olympia obtained Elysian citizenship and the Alpharatz rank again. She never got to know this, however.
  • Her name comes from the Greek mountain Olymp, the place where the gods reside.
  • Deimos' assigned chess piece for her is the black bishop.
  • Her height is 182cm/6'0".


Olympia is a very good-hearted and empathetic idealist who seeks to improve the world and eradicate all pain of the people she comes across. Her helpful nature makes it easy for her to connect with others, making her fairly popular and well-liked. Social things are her strong suit and she works hard to cater to her communitys needs, often at the cost of her own.ย 

Others may describe Olympia as dreamy and "stuck in the clouds" with her visions of the future. It's true that she can be naive and idealistic, but she is rather proud of her relentless optimism. By being raised next to the Capital and witnessing the horrible state of the world first-hand, she developed an ambition to fix its problems - and since she has good leadership qualities and can bring people together, she is quite successful at achieving her goals.ย 

After the covered up scandal with Andromedaย and her resulting deportation, her strategy has shifted in a more realistic and radical direction.

Early Life

Olympia's family are original residents of Yaktusk. She is the youngest out of seven sisters (Daphnia, Dahlia, Fuchsia, Cassia, Aria and Petunia) and lived together with her mother Nanna and her father (name?) at the border of the Capital. The family has been fighting against the seizing of property by the Capital for years, specifically their home ground intending to be sold to Andromeda's family. As a symbol of this despute between their families, both Olympia and Andromeda have been forced to control the rapid growing of the artificial flower Elysee at the border of their gardens from their respective sides. During their gardening the two befriended eachother and discovered their mutual ambition to create a better world. The seed of their plans for Elysium was planted and they became partners, both in business and in romance.


As the Elysium project became a world wide effort, coining the Golden Era, the two worked day and night to make their vision reality. While Olympia focused on the social and ideological aspects, Andromeda put their plans into tangible practical order. They worked as a perfect team and both would describe it as one of the happiest times of their lives. During this they also married.

After Elysium opened its gates, Olympia became pregnant and eventually gave life to her daughter Suga, wanting to drop her political position in Elysium's regime and instead focus on her family life and enjoy the fruits of her work. This caused a dispute between her and Andromeda, who now wanted to further her political career as Elysium's president. After finding out Andromeda hid connections and plans with the Capitals fascists, the conflict escalated into an ideological one. It reached its peak with Olympias forced deportation. She took Suga with her (against Andromeda's will) and returned to her old home on Earth.ย 

The following years were horrible for Olympia. Because she was considered a criminal for treason, she had to dip and live her life in anonymity along with her daughter. Elysium's and the Capital's political situation worsened as they progressively became more fascist, provocating the Capital's citizens into riots, bordering on a civil war. One of the main groups of resistance formed, the Phlegeton, which sought to overthrow Andromeda and her regime. Olympia became one of its head figures under a disguise, while she tried to keep Suga as safe as possible, away from all the trouble.


ย  ย SPOILER!ย 




Olympia and her daughter Suga have a very loving relationship. They both join hands in volunteer work on occassion and tell eachother everything... or at least they think so. Olympia has been hiding their past from her almost entirely to keep her safe - and also forbids her to take a step into the Capital, much to Suga's demise. Suga believes it's because her mother doesn't agree with the Capitals politics, and not because she could be captured by the police force and get sent back to Elysium any moment. Suga is Olympia's one and everything and she protects her like a treasure.


ex-wife and former work partner

Her old love and former partner in the creation of Elysium, Andromeda, is a dagger in Olympia's heart. She feels horribly betrayed by her actions and blames herself for her own nearsightedness. Despite Andromeda's regrets and wish to make up for her mistakes, Olympia does not want to return, nor to find peaceful ground between them. She despises her for what she has done to Elysium and society, their relationship is secondary to her. Because of the after effects of their despute, she has learned that a peaceful approach is not always the right strategy to stand up for ones rights.


political relations

Olympia and Deimos are, well... enemies that are forced to work together. None of them really likes or trusts the other, but they have to collaborate to achieve their shared goal: overthrowing President Andromeda and her regime. And by recent events to get Suga back to Earth - unknowing to Olympia that this was purposely orchestrated by Deimos himself. He can read Olympia like a book, exploiting her goals and weak points for his personal gain, meaning her willingness to do everything to change Elysium's system and her love for her daughter. For Olympia however it is her only chance to achieve her goal.

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