The Carnival Parlance (Apollino La Miorn)



6 years, 3 months ago



Counter-intuitive to aers job as the lead singer in the band, Apollino is a quiet and cautious person, a little too cautious perhaps. Aers own hesitation to branch out and take risks weighs heavily on aers and leads to Apollino secretly looking for vicarious excitement in strange places


BirthdaySeptember 18th - Virgo
Life typePlasma
GenderAer/aers/aerself (transfem)
OccupationWaitress / Performer


  Overly polite and formal. Graceful, delicate, but stiff. Cautious and reserved, avoids extreme emotions because they cloud judgment. Independent and self-sufficient, somewhat ascetic, restricts aerself in conveniences. Tries to be humble and convenient for others, typically tolerant and forgiving. Rather than seeking popularity, seeks out close personal bonds. Likes symmetrical, aesthetically pleasant minimalism

  Has a realistic, neutral worldview that can be seen as "bleak" by others. Possesses certain fatalism, but in a pragmatic rather than pessimistic way; simply prepares for the worst. Skeptical of people who seem too sweet and optimistic, often resists being pulled in by their enthusiasm. Deep down envisions a harmonious and prosperous life, but is quite passive in finding the means to achieve it, and respects people who can do it

  Law-abiding, averse to risk, but more so out of fear of punishment, and has a secret morbid curiosity towards daring outlaws. Quite superstitious. Shows little initiative, prefers long preparations and considerations. Carefully monitors finances. Often a teller of unpopular truths; can come back to hit you with an annoying but correct "see, I told you". Despite that, isn't arrogant; questions aerself and others a lot and remembers aer own mishaps for a long time

  An attentive observer, meticulous, good at identifying contradictions. Can be pedantic and make things more complicated for aerself. Doesn't promise what aer can't deliver. Attends the chores at a slow but steady pace, muses about aer stuff while doing menial repetitive tasks. Struggles with coming up with something creative on aer own