


8 years, 8 months ago

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Value (in commissions)

+ 213



any pronouns| alien bioweapon

An alien creature brought to Earth by a crashed alien research vessel, it was accidentally released and wrought havoc on the local town. Despite no deaths, some shady organizations attempted to neutralize and capture the beast, to varying success. With incredibly durable, sharp claws and teeth, the wily creature ended up escaping each facility it was taken to. It can eat most inorganic substances, metal and non-metals (plastic, rubber, etc.), though seems to by physically unable to digest organic fibers like meat or plants.

Its inorganic material diet seems to be due to a symbiotic relationship with multiple strains of chemoautotroph bacteria; sulfur-reducing, iron oxidating, nylon and plastic-eating, etc. Believed to have been created artificially by an unidentified alien race to sabotage enemy ships, this creature seems to have no problem adapting to life on Earth. Common signs of its presence are unexplained bites, scratches and chunks missing of metal, concrete, plastic or otherwise man-made structures. Although it doesn't seem to eat humans/animals, it will still attack and maul anything it finds interesting. Incredibly predatory, almost cat-like in nature, it will avidly stalk, chase and pounce on unwary people and objects alike. Many reports of it chasing after and mauling moving cars.

Highly adaptive and physically durable, it has quick reflexes, keen sight and hearing, all attributing to the 'bio-weapon' theory mentioned previously. With a ravenous appetite, it needs to constantly eat, and is likely found around highly industrial areas with lots of waste and inorganic material for it to feed on. Study (from a fair distance) has shown that it seems to enjoy lounging in the sun, and has an almost playful nature when not hungry. Caution advised when in the vicinity of this creature, do not engage; it (literally) eats lead

DESIGN NOTES: slick thick skin, oil-like glisten (OPTIONAL), eyes/gums/saliva are milky green, tail partially prehensile, densely muscled and sickle claws have dexterity

Likes junkyards, abandoned places with lots of metal, chasing cars and tearing into metal in general, 'playing' with anyone that tries to interact/capture it, laser pointers.