Airadi Shafi



6 years, 6 months ago



As expected from Lanar's assistant, Airadi is a typical strict but caring worker bee. She keeps an eye on the order of things and helps to keep the school running, which means she has to be naggy and judgmental sometimes. That said, her students aren't afraid of her; they know she loves them and will move the earth to stand up for them when necessary


BirthdayApr 28th - Taurus
Life typeMandrake (cactus)
GenderShe/her (mandrakes are intersex)
LikesLanar’s assistant, math & science teacher


  Keeps things organized and structured, very meticulous, prides herself on doing her work well. Likes her routine and stability, resists changes that didn't have an adequate justification. Appreciates neat, simple and useful things. Strives for a secure, long term future

  Might seem more logical and objective than she really is, but is quite biased. Focuses on personal integrity and strength of her character, confronts morally questionable behavior. Prefers being honest and straight-forward with her feelings, will be stubborn and thorough in defending her point. Patiently imposes her ideals onto others

  A character judge, mentally scrutinizes appearances and mannerisms and forms firm opinions on others, but usually keeps them to herself aside from a light-hearted jab or two. However, the real experience with the person is more important to her. Makes a note of who has proven themselves over time, and sticks with those. Doesn't tolerate inconsiderate or boastful fools; refuses to deal with people who have wronged her or her loved ones before

  A tough nut to crack. Has reasonable confidence and composure to her, cannot be intimidated or provoked. She's a doer, not a don'ter, so she will only grumble a bit, roll up her sleeves and solve any issue for you. Because of that, often does a lot more than she should, but carries that weight on her shoulders with a sense of purpose and self-worth

  Despite her orderly nature, she isn't as stuck up as one might think, and has a softer side and a playfully sarcastic sense of humor. She's a loyal and reliable help to her close ones, and will protect those under her care like the immovable rock that she is. She mostly prefers to follow the lead of others, but can step up to become the leader herself if needed


Lanar Krawel

A long time good family friend. They've been through many things together

