Krovie Bryzgi



6 years, 5 months ago



Despite being constantly mistaken for a child, Krovie is a grown-up, well-educated biology nerd who's quite annoyed about being talked down to. Navigating social situations might still be a big hurdle for her, but it doesn't mean she's any less capable than other teachers. While she's waiting to get a new, more appropriate doll body, she's also trying to gain independence from her family, both psychological and financial... Too bad all of them work at the same place


BirthdaySeptember 13th - Virgo
Life typeDoll (assembled from body parts grown by mandrakes)
GenderShe/her, really hates being called "it"
OccupationBiology teacher


  Awkward, clumsy, messy, struggles to find her style. Easily gets overstimulated. Lacks in flexibility and diplomacy. Struggles with social cues, can't read tone or dishonesty, interprets things literally. Because of that, appreciates clear phrasing and direct displays of affection or dissatisfaction. Kinda just has to assume bad intentions by default and keeps an emotional distance from people. When someone vents to her, offers helpful solutions rather than empathy

  Stone-faced, deadpan, monotone. Been called "robotic" before, but does in fact have feelings. Indifferent to criticism from strangers, but gets annoyed when she's being underestimated or treated unfairly. A lone wolf who doesn't feel the need to socialize much, but appreciates people who make her feel included and comfortable. She won't engage in conversations that don't interest her, and might accidentally neglect relationships

  Stubborn, but shuts down under pressure from others and finds confrontations exhausting. Silently simmers in her thoughts and either eventually rationalizes herself out of it, or further builds up negative emotions. Acts even more dry and blunt than usual when annoyed. In her perfect world everyone would just have reasonable discussions, get along and save her the trouble

  Extremely hyperfixates. Very knowledgeable about a narrow selection of things, especially niche arcane topics she personally finds fascinating, but others see as weird or useless. Tunnel-vision focuses on one task and sees it through if necessary, but immediately moves onto the next thing once it's done

  Likes a rigid routine in everyday chores, but enjoys experimenting and breaking new ground when it comes to her interests. Struggles working in a collective: doesn't like being ordered around and wouldn't know how to subordinate or invest people into her own ideas, either. Gets peeved when someone takes or moves her stuff without asking

  Out of touch, doesn't care about pesky material things and practicality. Has pretty simple and stable needs, doesn't pay much attention to her own health and comfort (sits in weird poses while working, etc). Doesn't dwell on past mistakes and missed opportunities, but doesn't expect anything good from the future either


Gerad von Vaner

Krovie's parent. Krovie still loves them, but it's complicated. She definitely feels stifled by their presence and wants to live her own life

Aquarina von Vaner

Krovie's sister. Krovie feels certain pity and exasperation towards Aquarina, thinking she needs to find her footing as well