Euphelia of the Starry Sky



2 years, 7 months ago


Euphelia of the Starry Sky

Name Euphelia
Age 115
Height 164cm
Race Astraean Elf
Role Divine Soul Sorcerer
Alignment Lawful Good


  • soup
  • playing trumpet
  • learning new things
  • dragons


  • spicy food
  • closed rooms
  • injustice
  • shame

studious . empathetic . idealistic

A beautiful elf who seems to be of noble birth. She tries to help anyone and everyone she comes across, even if it is detrimental to herself. She always sees the best in people, however she can hold grudges against those who wronged her (though she will not act on it). Because of her inexperience, she believes that good and bad is black and white.

In her free time she prefers to read and study subjects that are currently in her interest. It wouldn't be too uncommon to find her basking in the sun as she skims through the pages of a book about said subjects.
She likes feeling the wind run through her hair as she gazes upon sunset and sunrise, during which she loves to play on her trumpet.

Her preferred foods consist of light meals that have a mild taste such as vegetable soups. She finds it difficult to enjoy spicy or heavily flavored food, though she will pretend to like it nontheless.

She has a feathered dragonet familiar named "Zeno", who she can summon at will. They tend to communicate telepathically. Zeno is a young food-motivated dragon who is very protective of Euphelia.

Motifs: purple skies, stars, gold accessories, aster flowers, feathers, wings

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