


2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Oleander

Nicknames: Ollie

Gender/Pronouns: Woman(trans) She/Her

Age: 26

Sexuality: Bisexual

Abilities/Powers?: Lupine

Alignment: Neutral

Job: Inksnake Tattooist/Body Mod

A mixture of playfulness of days gone by, and a casual uncaring attitude. Oleander doesn't care about much, simply doing whatever she wants in her spare time, and only seeming to take things seriously at her workplace. She holds her job with pride, it's about the only thing that she holds in high regard. She can come across as cold due to her uncaring attitude, an observation that isn't entirely inaccurate. Emotional ties get in the way, and while she may enjoy your company, she's not going to get sappy about it unless you shine extra special. She's independent as hell, but does crave companionship, though perhaps that's just her lupine blood talking. Oleander used to be far more fun-loving, but the streets of Anarchy are infamous for crushing spirits-However ,those that know her well can attest to the playful nature she has just under the surface. Expect a gentle ribbing.

The death of her early lover cemented her current position in life, and seems to haunt her at times though she has moved on as much as she can. Her early years were full of teenage stupidity and false senses of invincibility. Drug induced knife fights with her lover and making out in drain pipes, the sting of open wounds only cementing the memories. She should really get those scars covered up, especially the initials on her wrist. Stupidity of youth.

How she misses it.