
.: Overview :.

.: General Info :.

Name: Nabi 
Pronunciation: Nah-bee
Age: 18
Species: Zephyr (Downy woodpecker)
Gender: Trans Male (He/They)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’7

.:Distinguishing features:.

Nabi has a feminine figure, with a light tan color and dark brown wings and colored limbs. As well as a marking on their face, that makes it seems like they have a bandana on their face. As well as a red tip on the top of their head.

Current residence: The Dune
Current home: 
Occupation: Thief, Member of Doonstorm
Relationship status: Taken
Social status: 

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: 
Language: English
Other languages known: Fluent in SSL
Style of speaking: 

.: Personality :.

Nabi is very active, and occasionally smug. He can be a bit cocky but is overall a  fun dude to talk with. Originally, Nabi used to be super quiet, not wanting to vocally speak and would rather communicate through nods, or through sign language when he first left home. But eventually he opened up and became his true self.

Likes: Shiny Objects, Stargazing, Nighttime
Dislikes: Daytime, Getting caught
Hobbies/past times: Stealing, Flying, Stargazing
Guilty pleasures: Shiny Objects, Jewels, Being flirted with.
Pet peeves: 
Personal goals: 
Religious values: 
General intelligence: 
General sociability: 

.: Relationships :.


Tabbris - Grandmother
Nabi has parents, however he’s cut contact with them after he left home.


Any authority figures.

Friends (currently)

Liz - Close friends.

Love interest


.: Combat :.

General Skills: 
Peaceful or violent? 
Weapon(s) of choice: Bow and Arrows

.: Abilities :.




.: Fears :.


.: Health :.


.: History :.


Nabi grew up in a very strict household, having to deal with their abusive and transphobic parents for their whole child and teenhood. Evenutally they ran away due to their parent’s disapproval of him coming out.


As of now, Nabi is a member of Doonstorm.

.: Other Details :.
