Noi Kir-Ninn



Basic Info

Trigger Warnings



Noi Kir-Ninn

|| he/they || Half-troll || apprentice mechanic || 


Fast Learner - Foolish - Mechanical


The second child born to Fikri and Ona Kir-Ninn, Noi was always more interested in making things than making friends. Even still, he found a kinship with his older sister, Sili, not for her personality, but because they could share experiences. Especially when it came to how they were perceived. The pair took after their dad, who while intimidating in appearance, was incredibly caring toward his family. The three of them were built with fur, a third eye, large teeth, a tail, and more. However, their father had no way to tie back his heritage to find where they got these traits from. The family shrugged it off as a casual part of being a Mezi and never thought much about it.

Noi wouldn’t waste his time getting to know people he couldn’t relate to. Even though most people saw him as a friendly acquaintance, he considered very few people real friends. Teachers would do what they could to encourage him to interact with more people, but very rarely did this actually end up working in any way.

Fikri and his family didn't learn that his bloodline had trolls in it until he caught a virus only transmittable to them. Most of the traits he and his kids shared that were considered odd came directly from trolls. It got to the point that Noi pushed Sili until they eventually both could admit that they felt they were too troll-ish to continue considering themselves Mezis, as a key rule to being a Mezi is having no one species to trace back to. Because Sili and Noi shared the name relation, the two had to be separated from their father and weren't allowed to interact with him without barriers and protective gear. Their mother, Ona, was given the name treatment so that she couldn't accidentally carry it to the pair as well. She was never the name even before he died.

Over time Ona grew abusive to her children, blaming their father's blood for leaving her alone, and by extension the two of them. Sili spent less and less time at the house to avoid her mother, leaving her brother alone with her. Ona treated her son horribly, yelling at him for entering the room and forgetting that she locked him outside during blizzards. His fur was so thick that it would hide the bruises and cuts when she hit him, and while it started small she started warming up to physical aggression as she learned he couldn't do much to stop him. Noi was genuinely worried that he was going to die in that house, and when Sili gave him the vague chance to escape he took it in a heartbeat. He was ready to leave everything he knew about his life behind if it meant survival and a life without pain.

Even in the town that was meant to be more accepting, Noi found he still didn't feel accepted by society. He got to do what he loved, being a mechanic, but he never felt comfortable in his skin when adults were around. He grew comfortable keeping his third eye closed and covered and filing down his teeth and claws. He didn't want to be recognizable as a troll, he'd accept that term for himself, but he didn't want others to use it for him. He'd make up things on the spot when people asked what he was, and eventually, it became a habit to dodge the question with playful jabs, though all his official paperwork had to be honest.

Now that he was free and lived in an actual safe home, Noi started acting out more. While he did get into a school for the intellectually gifted at 14, he found himself happier with a group of people considered to be wicked smart, but incredibly stupid. Noi was always ready to shoplift, break, and generally cause chaos just for the concept of actually feeling like he was alive. He knew it wouldn't do his reputation any good, but after everything, he was so tired of thinking of what others thought of him that he burnt out and stopped caring. He doesn't know if his sister noticed his behavior change or cared, but he didn't mind either way. If she wanted to talk about it, they could talk about it, he's just not going to be the one to start it.

His friends include Sylvester Sterling, Spence Stewart, David Solokov, and Jamie Torres. Two of them also live alone with an older sibling, and Sylvester also comes from a bad home. Gives Noi a lot of people to talk to about the problems he doesn't want to share with his sister, but they also think very similarly! Noi especially found himself growing closer to Sylvester, and eventually, the two started dating. Noi hopes the officiality of the relationship can be the anchor he needs to mark that life is really getting better.

Likes & Dislikes
  • Analog mechanics
  • Rock Music
  • Exploring

  • His more monstrous qualities
  • Winter
  • Ona Vidas
[Sili Kir-Ninn]

Noi's older sister acts more like a mom to him than he feels his real mom ever did... Though he holds some bitterness that she used to leave him alone with Ona to save her hide.

[Ona Vidas]

Noi has no good memories of his mother, but she lives in every nightmare he has.



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