Majio's Comments

WAIT I THINK I OFFERED FOR THEM?? I genuinely forget   BUT If they're pending to me, do u remember what i owed you? Think I sent you some points for them but may have been smth else

or if theyre not pending to me are they open for offers ASJAJS

To be honest? I CANNOT find anyone’s offer on him. Every server I posted him in, it looks like I posted him and immediately closed him, but my DMs don’t have anyone DMing me immediately about him. I’m going to say he’s open for offers because I can’t find anything about his previous offer

Uhh also as a note are you able to offer DA points?

Only have 39 points rn :(( Might see if i can get some more by making some adopts again but until then, I've only got those points + art to offer OR Some characters in my toyhouse

Oh no it’s fine! I got paid points by someone else earlier today so don’t worry about that

i would accept art and character(s)!

Alr!! Feel free to look around my th :] link anyone you see and ill lyk if im willing to do them ^^

Otherwise can offer 2 shaded headshots and a chibi fullbody?