


6 years, 7 months ago



Name Brick
Gender Male
ObtainedArt trade
Significant Other None
Rules May gift or trade
Species Winged horse



  • His wings are invisible to mortals. 

Brick is cheery, optimistic, and helpful. He is over-energetic and often talks too much. He can be overbearing and the more worked up or excited he is- the faster he talks, to the point his words turn into bullets that are unintelligible. He is a very hard worker- primarily because he sees his job as incredibly fun and more of playing around...until something serious happens that he has to report. While he is capable of taking things seriously- being stressed also guessed it, makes him talk too fast.

His skills as a flier and his great eagle eyes make him a great asset to his just have to decipher what the hell he's talking about if something actually happens. Some people resolve this by making him say things one slow word at a time, or just waiting for him to calm down.

He has a significant amount of anxiety to real strife or battle- which is why he prefers to keep eyes from the skies instead of actively engaging in the great war on foot. He occasionally is attacked in the air by flying demons or threats- but can usually outmaneuver them rather than fight them. 


  • He's a very skilled flier, but is quite clumsy on his feet

Brick was a simple warhorse, bred by the kingdoms of Caisos for being ridden into battle until the Great War started between the angels and demons. He was given wings (And the ability to speak and think more effectively than a normal horse) by the angel armies- and asked to be a scout, flying above the demon hoards to deliver intel back to his companions. He took this job very seriously- and does his best, even if he sometimes does so awkwardly or stumbles in the process. 

He works with a specific platoon of angels on the front lines, warning them of their enemies movements and acting as one of their allies, though he rarely gets involved in any real combat himself. 

His original name was not Brick, but that's what he decided to name himself. Having asked an angel what "That thing was", and being told it was a "Brick" he decided that he was the same color as the Brick-thing, therefore his name was Brick. 


  • Flying and pulling stunts
  • Going fast
  • Helping
  • Music

  • Storms or bad weather
  • Rocks and crashing
  • Having to fight
  • Having to keep secrets

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.