


2 years, 4 months ago


Full name: Harold

Nickname: Pointy

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Birthday: 16th March

Age: 72 years old

Born from a passing child's last wish, meant to pass on fun and merriment to one and all, he greatly exaggerates and frankly goofs about his origins with everyone. Like any other unicorn he spawned from the body of a equine which had perished among the fey, a foal whom consumed the body and were given magic by the fey who instigate the creation of unicorns. He likes to make his origins sound a lot less gruesome than it is, mostly cause it tends to ruin how people view his kin, as it's not a customary way to be birthed according to a majority of creatures in Iedunnoh. Raised by the fey and hanging out with monsters, he eventually found himself with the monstrous rebellion, where he now acts as one of the many members of it.

Harold is a really mellow unicorn whom has an easy time getting along with anyone, or at least he thinks so. He is awfully friendly and would never hurt even a fly, which to some signal him as a pushover, but he very much has a mind of his own that is rarely swayed or pushed around. Often in a world of his own, he is quite distant even in direct conversation, almost as if he's barely there. Singing, dancing and observing things of beauty are some of his favorite past times - especially when done with others.